Please help!


New Member
My juvenile veiled chameleon randomly just started thrashing her/his head around, mouth open, it looked as if she/he was choking (but hasn't eaten yet today). It went completely dark in color and went limp, I brought it out of its enclosure, and held it until some color came back, then I put it back inside... The only thing new that I have done is put a plant in the enclosure, which I did a lot of research and it said that it was a safe plant... Does anyone know what could be going on? She/he seems to be doing better now, but I removed the plant just in case...
Good morning, Im afraid I have to tell you the truth here.

It seems like what has happened, is you have "freaked" your chameleon.

This happens from time to time, and more often if the chameleon is unfamiliar with you, or if something "new" happens.

While you shouldnt do this intentionally, its bound to happen from time to time, and can include vibrating uncontrollably, and jerking around as if having a seizure. It can all look incredibly violent, but is completely normal. ;)
So this can happen even if I literally just woke up and looked over at the enclosure and she/he started to do it?
Oh yes.

This could happen if a fly flew up from behind it at the wrong time.

If the chameleon has recovered, then it will be fine.

Its much scarier if you are actually holding the animal when it happens.

I thought my first chameleon was literally dieing in my hands. :eek:

Im trying to find a good video example to further confirm what youve experienced.
Haaaa ha ha my baby veiled does that atleast once a week. Usually it is because there is a cricket bigger than he wants in his cage so he throws a temper tantrum and smavks his head between the sticks
I am glad it is feeling better. You need to know if it is a he or a she really. If you are not sure post some pictures of the back feet and someone will be able to help sex it.
I work at a vet hospital, and the doctor had said that it is still to young to tell for sure (without probing it), but as far as I can tell it appears to be female, but I will post some pictures and get some second opinions.


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Hello, I can't see the back of the baby's feet, but a veiled can be sexed right out of the egg most of the time. How old id your veiled? What we need is a close of of the place where the toes come off the feet, the back feet. A picture of both back feet close up from the back is even better.
This is the best I could do... Did not want to stay still haha


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She looks to be 4 months old. From how small the casque is compared to body size makes me pretty sure its a female. Also the lack of bars make m think female because at 4 months bars are clearly visable on a male.
My male below. You can see the tarsal spur on the back of foot showing he is a male. Also he is 4 months with clearly visable bars.


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