Please Help!!!


New Member
I really need help!

I can't find out how much to feed my male 4-7 month old jackson's chameleon per week (with variations of food.)

Can some one please help me out?:confused:
My new Veiled Charm eats some where from 6-8 crickets a day along with 1-2 waxworms depending om how meny crickets he had that day... and he is 6 months old so... there is a few pics of him on my profile so mabe you can compair to more figur out his age. :D
You would be fine with just crickets, but better with a variety by adding in some Supers, Silks, etc. If you were feeding just crickets depending on size he could eat from 6-12 medium crickets daily at this age.
Does anyone know how well the can o' crickets works? its made by zoo med and the reviews were very mixed so im not sure.:confused:
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