Please help!


New Member
Please can you advise me. I have been keeping two yeman chameleons for about 1 year (male and female). We have never had any problems, but today the male just isnt right!
Our female is very pregnant so we have added a sand box, but the male just seems to want to lie in it. Also more worryingly, his eyes seem to have sunk in and wont open. He doesnt have any shedding skin over them.
Also, he is normally the more 'hissy' one out of the two, but we have been picking him up to check that he is still with us and he isnt bothering to hiss at us or change colour.
I have to admit i havent noticed whether he has been eating - i tend to add the crickets and mealworms and then leave them to it. She normally eats first and then when she has had enough, he tucks in. We will add some more tonight to check.
It does worry me why he is in the sand so much. It is as if he cant see enough to stay balanced on his twig so he feels safer on the sand.

Can anyone give me some advice?

Thank you.:confused::(
Your male cham doesn't sound like he is in great shape. I suggest that the first thing you should do is take him to a vet, and the sooner you do so, the better.

Next, it sounds as though you have been keeping both chameleons in the same cage. This has likely had quite adverse effects on both of their healths. Veiled chameleons are a solitary species, and need to live in separate cages, regardless of what anyone told you (usually pet stores tell you that you can keep them together so that they can get you to buy two chameleons instead of one).
When they are housed together it usually results in one of the chameleons quite literally being 'stressed to death' (the constant stress leads to a suppression of the immune system). In particular, after a female chameleon has been fertilised by a male, she will be very stressed out by the presence of a male in the cage. After mating her, the male should certainly have been removed from her cage.

Also you should provide more details of your setup so that more suggestions for improvements can be made. Read this:

Photos would also be helpful.

Good luck with your cham. Let us know how the vet visit goes.

It sound like he is dehydrated you should definitely get him to a good reptile vet that has had experience with chameleons (just ask the receptionist when you call for an appointment) make sure you tell them it is an emergency so they get you in soon. Another thing, sand inpacts chameleons so you might want to use bed-a-beast (coconut husk) instead. Just a suggestion.:(
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