Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
I have had my chameleon for over a year and a half now- and we recently moved so he had to take the drive with us.. Since then he has been acting very strange- he goes to the ground and lies down..He has never done this before.. He does not seem to want to climb to the top… he has plently of light and the humidity I keep above 50% so I just need some advice on what I need t do- I am really getting worried ☹
id say a little less than a week... he just seems to not want to eat- he shed just before the move so he didnt eat much then either. the whole staying on the ground has been the past 2-3 days. just strange b/c he normally would never go below half the cage... now i come in and he is on the ground- laying there- his eyes look clear... i am just super worried b/ i have lost a chameleon before years ago to an illness
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