Please Help


New Member
Hi my chameleon is dying im pretty sure. he hasn't been moving for a couple days to much. he just lays on the ground of the cage and closes his eyes. He pretty much looks dead. The only way i can tell he is alive is by putting my finger in his "hand". he grips it extremelly softly but still trys to grip on. he is also bright green still not the brown i would expect him to be. he hasn't been drinkin so i tried to drip water in his mouth. i coulnd't really get it open tho and he only opened it once on his own. i discovered that hes got some dirt in this mouth. I must admit i am rookie with owning a chameleon as you guys can probally tell. i know its not a starter pet but i had to have him lol. anyways i made a makeshift bed for him i guess becuase i don't want him to get more dirt in his mouth. i hope its not his death bed.... what exactly is a vet gunna do for him if i was gunna take it to one?
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