Please shed some "light" on lights


New Member
Okay everyone...I'm wanting to raise a chameleon!! I've never had one before, and I have plenty of questions. First off...I'm really confused on the lighting issues. I know you need to have a basking light and a UVB light. I will be keeping my chameleon in a 2'x2'x4' screened enclosure. So my question is what kind of basking light and UVB light to use? Exacts please. I've read tons on Repti-sun 5.0, but do hardware stores sell lights that provide UVB? Also, what watt lightbulb should I use for basking? (I know I'll have to temp test but what experience do you have specifically?) Thank you for any and all help!
Okay everyone...I'm wanting to raise a chameleon!! I've never had one before, and I have plenty of questions. First off...I'm really confused on the lighting issues. I know you need to have a basking light and a UVB light. I will be keeping my chameleon in a 2'x2'x4' screened enclosure. So my question is what kind of basking light and UVB light to use? Exacts please. I've read tons on Repti-sun 5.0, but do hardware stores sell lights that provide UVB? Also, what watt lightbulb should I use for basking? (I know I'll have to temp test but what experience do you have specifically?) Thank you for any and all help!

No, hardware stores do not typically sell the Repti-sun tubes or anything else suitable. Try petstores or on-line.
The wattage of the basking bulb will depend on your ambient room temp. Assuming a room temp of 75F/23C, and a male panther chameleon, a 60-75watt household tungsten incandescent will probably be fine. you can adjust by raising and lowering the bulb (but not so low that the chameleon can get too close and burn)
more info on lighting:

chameleons are great creatures, if not the easiest. Good for you for doing your research ahead of buying one. and welcome to the forum!
Thank you! Okay, next question is should I separate the lights? Like have the UVB light on one side of the enclosure and the basking site on the other side? Or should I provide both lights in one spot???
You're welcome
I try to arrange it so that the chameleon can choose to be primarily only in the heat (not the UVB), primarily only in the UVB (not the heat so much) or in both. I put the UVB tube from front to back of the cage down the left side of the top of the cage. I put the heat bulb in the middle of the top of the back of the cage. So, left back = both UVB and heat; right back = heat; left front = UVB not heat; front right = not much.

putting the heat bulb at the far back (top) of the cage also creates a kind of mild chimney effect airflow, with cooler air entering from the lower front and rising up the back. I dont use full screen cages, so this is useful for me.
Well, I'm sorry, I meant a three-sided screen cage. I'm building it myself, so the back will actually be a soild panel. So there goes the light on the back of the cage idea. If I positioned the UVB light front-to-back, left side, and on top like you suggested...where should I place the basking bulb on top of the cage? Thanks.
Wow! Okay, so they can be placed relatively close together. That picture is exactly what I needed to know! Thanks! What kind of bulb are you using for the basking light? I can't really tell, but it looks big enough to be a halogen...
I wasnt clear. Sorry. when I said on the back, i meant on the TOP of the cage, but at the back, away from the front doors.

this picture kinda shows what I do

wow that's a really great cage for your cham sandrachameleon! now i feel bad for my fischer chameleon :( he's pretty small...body length is about 4 in and his cage is 16x16x30..i thought it was roomy but now i don't know if i should get something bigger!

thanks lizardslither for posting about this cos i was wondering about it too! i have a uvb bulb and a daylight full spectrum light from zoo i was thinking about getting a lamp with two or three heads so i could aim the lights in different areas for him and give him options :) now i know!
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