Poop Assesment, Dehydrated?


New Member
Hey guys, sorry to bug but I have another question. Since I have brought Rex home (3 days ago) I have only seen him drink once... As I was cleaning out his cage today I found his freshest poop and noticed that the white part "uraites?" were not as white as I tought they should be. It has a bit of yellow in it, is this still healthy? Or is this enough to tell me he is dehydrated? I mist him 3 to 4 times a day and have his dripper going most of the time just to make sure he drinks. I thought he might be a "shy drinker" so thought he might be drinking when I wasn't around. Is this because he is still trying to acclimate to his new home? I have a 2 valve dripper with 2 hoses running into the cage at 2 different locations so that he has a choice.

Here is a picture of his poo.
Hahahah! You should have known by the title. :D I like to provide pictures so that I get accurate info. or advice. Lol! Sorry... :p I was amazed at the size of my little guys poop, didn't think something that size could come out of him.:)
judging by your avatar you have a yemen, dont worry about the drinking yemens seem to be sneeky, ive only witnessed my girl drinking once in 7 month but i know she is fine :D
Looks like the darker bit is just from him settling in. Looks fine to me. Be worried when it's completely yellow or orange and especially so when there are orange crystals in it.
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