pooping question


New Member
I got my veiled chameleon 4 days ago from the pet store. I am a new veiled owner and I am just concerned on his pooping habits. Hulk hasn't pooped since I've gotten him and I feed him at least 10 crickets a day. :confused:


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My panther did this when I first got him and whenever I change his cage around. He eats but I cant find his poop for the first few days, sometimes a little longer. I think it takes a little bit before he's comfortable enough to poop in a new environment.

And I'm sure when your little guy does finally poop, it will be hulk sized.
So I should wait a couple days? If he doesn't is there anything I can do to help out?
Lotsa questions. Just want the best for my lil guy.
I myself could only give you advice based on my limited experience, but should anyone more qualified see this, it would help if you were to provide these details:

Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long
has it been in your care?

Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?

Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders?

Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule?

Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? How often and how long to you mist? Do you see your chameleon drinking?

Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites?
History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.

Cage Info:

Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions?

Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?

Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps?

Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity?

Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind?

Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor?

Location - Where are you geographically located?
Give him a 5 to 10 minute shower with warm water. Make sure it isn't hot water, remember your body temp is 98.6 so if its warm to you its hot for them. But, sometimes there poops can hide well. A good shower seems to get mine to poop. Lol.

Keep in mind I just got him 4 days ago and I plan on upgrading his cage, plants and lighting next weekend. This is just for the meantime. :eek::D

Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - Veiled chameleon, male, 6ish months. Ive had him for 4 days.

Handling - I've handled him a couple times to rearearrange cage and when I first got him.

Feeding - I've been feeding him crickets and millworms. At least 10 crickets a day and maybe one or 2 mill. 5 in the a.m. and 5 p.m. feeding them potatos and cricket diet by trex

Supplements - reptical without d3 and cricket diet has d3 and vitamins.

Watering - we have a dripper and a mister. I mist him a couple times a day for a couple minutes. He does drink.

Fecal Description - havent seen any.

Cage Info:

Cage Type - its a glass starter cage until I can get him a mesh in a couple weeks. 12x12x18

Lighting - 60w red nightlight by zoomed. Day blue 25w mini halogen light. Reptiglo 5.0 uvb 100. Lights on 10-12 hours and off for the same.

Temperature - basking spot is 90-95. Cage floor is 75 lights on. Overnight its usually 65-70. I have a digital spot thermometer.

Humidity - i keep his humidity at least 70. I mist & I have a temp gauge that measures the humiduty.

Plants - I have a schefflera

Placement - on a stand. Nope. About 5ft.

Location- kansas city missouri
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First off, as you know you need to get him outta the glass. 12 by 12 by 18 is a tiny cage for a 6 month old veiled. Also with supplements, you will need calcium with d3 2 times a month and vitamins/minerals 2 times a month. I know you haven't had your cham that long these are things you need to think about. If you haven't already give the forums care sheet a good look over.

I am quuite aware his cage is too tiny. Exactly why I stated I was getting him a new one next week. ;)

I will get him a bigger terrarium, vitamins and that cal with d3 when I can this weekend.
I wasn't trying to be harsh, sorry if it came off that way. I was just worried for the chameleon, too much time in an unadeal situation will lead too many problems. Good luck with your little one.

He has pooped! Took him outside and he did it. Sorry really didn't mean it that way just worried. He will be out by the weekend but again thanks.:D
Your Chameleon - Veiled chameleon, male, 6ish months. Ive had him for 4 days.

Feeding - I've been feeding him crickets and millworms. At least 10 crickets a day and maybe one or 2 mill. 5 in the a.m. and 5 p.m. feeding them potatos and cricket diet by trex

Supplements - reptical without d3 and cricket diet has d3 and vitamins.

Cage Type - its a glass starter cage until I can get him a mesh in a couple weeks. 12x12x18

Lighting - 60w red nightlight by zoomed. Day blue 25w mini halogen light. Reptiglo 5.0 uvb 100. Lights on 10-12 hours and off for the same.

Temperature - basking spot is 90-95. Cage floor is 75 lights on. Overnight its usually 65-70. I have a digital spot thermometer.

Humidity - i keep his humidity at least 70. I mist & I have a temp gauge that measures the humiduty.

WELCOME to the forums! :) I'll start off with just the concerns in red, and I'll detail out some things, and provide some links too!

1.) Mealworms aren't the greatest feeder, for now it's ok because you just got him and are still settling in, but we need to get you on some other feeders, such as silkworms, hornworms, dubias, green banana roaches, blue bottle flies, butter worms (a nice occasional treat), wax worms (another nice occasional treat)... the list goes on and on! Crickets are a good staple feeder, when gut loaded properly. Feed them bad boys some oranges, kale, sweet potatoe, squash, dandelion leaves, red bell pepper..... (I learned quite a bit about gut loading from Sandra's blogs, heres a link.... https://www.chameleonforums.com/blogs/sandrachameleon/) I'm not sure what the cricket diet is... but I wouldn't give your feeders any of that massively premade type stuff, you don't know whats all in it. Theres some folks on here that make their own dry gut loads and sell them (ex, cricket crack) that are a better quality than the store shelf items like Fluker's products.

2.) Keep using the reptical without D3, use it most days of the week (I use it 5 days a week - sundays are the
no dust days for me, and the other day of the week is reserved for the calcium with D3 or the multivitamin). But you need to get some reptical WITH D3, and you should use it twice a month (just two days a month). Along with that, a good quality multi vitamin powder to use two days a month. Most folks pick one day a week to use these two special dusts, and they'll alternate the weeks. Like sunday is Calcium W/ D3, the following sunday is the vitamin powder, the next sunday is calcium W/ D3, and the following sunday is the vitamin powder.

3.) I know you're getting him a new cage. Bigger is better. He's 6 months old, I would go ahead and get a 24x24x48 inch cage, either a ReptiBreeze or DIY Cages (better quality IMHO)http://diycages.com/15201/15243.html.... He will be a happy boy! :)

4.) Lighting: no red bulbs at night (or day). Most folks use a regular old incandescent house hold bulb, 75 watts or whatnot until the temperature is right. You'll spend more money on the 'reptile' bulbs that look like the house hold bulbs. (Don't fret over the UVA stuff that those reptile bulbs boast about, you'll be fine with a regular ol' lightbulb) Your UVB is good, just remember that the UVB bulbs should be replaced around every 6 months, because the age of the bulb will gradually lessen the output of UVB. I use a Reptisun bulb for now, but I will be upgrading to an Arcadia soon. They're a bit more pricey, but quality and life wise (most folks replace these once a year), they are a popular choice on here.

5.) If he's around 6 months old, I'd keep the basking temperature down just a smidge, maybe around 90. I wouldn't put him to 95 yet until he's older. However, someone else may have better advice for the basking temperature for these guys. Panthers and veileds have a difference in basking temperatures for adults that are around 4-6 degrees different. Temperature is key for their digestion too.

6.) Let his humidity fluctuate. Letting it spike up during mistings and letting it come down isn't a bad thing. Too high of a humidity for too long of a time could lead to what folks here refer as a "RI", or a respiratory infection. It's not self treatable, and has to be taken to a vet.

I hope I've helped! I know I've repeated things over from the responses on this thread. Can you post a picture of your new guy? We love pictures!

Happy cham'ing :)
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