Possible dehyrdration?


New Member
Hey guys, i got a 6th mth old male veiled and for about 3 days this weekend he wasn't moving/basking much. He stayed on the darker/wetter part of the cage. Prior to him acting more sketchier than usual, I fed em 4 of the phoenix worms (usually feed em 2, got a feeder shipment in) that had already darkened and his 1st dubia. I know the darkened worms have a higher protein content along with the dubia, should I be worried about a possible gout issue? or am I just the first cham owner trippin? He did defecate within this period and his urate looked a bit dehydrated so i'm thinking that was the issue. He's been normal all week. Also, i'm at the 6th month stage where its says to feed em 5-7 crickets every other day.. i've switched my main feeders to dubia's and wonder if 5-7 of them is sufficient? On the off days, is it still ok to feed em the 1 or 2 meal/phoenix worms, collards, apples?
I think you might be tripping just a little bit! lol
I wouldn't think what you fed would be causing gout, so reeelax!! Also, I would still be feeding everyday at 6 months. I usually don't cut back til about a year old, but that is just me. They are still rapidly growing at 6 months. Just what I do and not saying it is right or wrong.
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