Possible Stomach ach


Avid Member
I fed my cham the last two hornworms today. They were getting close to the size where they would be too big to feed to him. So I figured I'd get rid of them both. My cham chowed down and then I noticed that he looked kind of uncomfortable. He sat still with his head in the air for about five minutes and started to move his body in "S" shapes. He also looked kind of bloated and uncomfortable. I think that is the last time I will ever do anything like that again. I guess chams don't know their limits sometimes and their appetites can be bigger than what their stomach has room for. Now I can look foward to a gigantic poop tommorow morning.
Hornworms can grab onto the tongue, or to even the muscus membranes of chameleons, especially if not properly chewed. It'll look like they're gagging, or gasping. They hold on with their claws or sucker feet - I am not sure - it didn't happen to mine.
I've seen my cham do that when eating small-medium crix too. Looked kinda like the alien from the Alien movies! He was ok just after, kept eating... I thought it was just a natural behavior.
Yeah man, my panther sometimes does the "S motioned swaying" after eating anything too fast I believe. Maybe he's trying to prevent heart burn...
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