New Member
Hi there.
I got a baby male Veiled on Saturday. He is about 6 inches head and tail and from my opinion, appears to be great. His eyes are constantly turreting around and his feet holding a tight grasp to the branches.
However, last night I noticed he was spending a little less time under his light. Now today he was back under his basking lamp but something else kicked in. I feed him by holding a cup with crickets in it and he'll eat them from his basking perch. Today he only at three crickets and then lost interest. After that he went about mid-way down the cage and sat there all night. I tried to give him more crickets but he denied and looked away from then.
Since getting him on Saturday he has aten at least 3 crickets every day and I have seen him drink 3 times after misting.
I think I am just worrying a little much but how does he sound? Is this minimal eating periods okay? Is it normal for young Veileds in new enclosures to take on these disorders? Could it be due to stress? I do know it was cleaning day today in my room and the vaccuum was running along with a lot of people activity!
Thanks and I look forward to reading your replies,
I got a baby male Veiled on Saturday. He is about 6 inches head and tail and from my opinion, appears to be great. His eyes are constantly turreting around and his feet holding a tight grasp to the branches.
However, last night I noticed he was spending a little less time under his light. Now today he was back under his basking lamp but something else kicked in. I feed him by holding a cup with crickets in it and he'll eat them from his basking perch. Today he only at three crickets and then lost interest. After that he went about mid-way down the cage and sat there all night. I tried to give him more crickets but he denied and looked away from then.
Since getting him on Saturday he has aten at least 3 crickets every day and I have seen him drink 3 times after misting.
I think I am just worrying a little much but how does he sound? Is this minimal eating periods okay? Is it normal for young Veileds in new enclosures to take on these disorders? Could it be due to stress? I do know it was cleaning day today in my room and the vaccuum was running along with a lot of people activity!
Thanks and I look forward to reading your replies,