pothos?? a bad plant?


New Member
can someone tell me if pothos is a poison plant becuase today I was told that pothos is a good plant for chameleons and so i bought one. Im really not sure if its good or not

help me out someone, ill tell you the whole story if you like
im just really worried becuase it said online that it had poison on it. pothos leafs look like hearts kinda with some yellow on it right?
Yeah thats sounds like a golden pothos to me. I have a couple in with my female vieled. What species do you have?
That plant is fine.
Won't bother her at all ... she'll probably eat all the leaves off of it!


I have heard that veileds eat leaves. I haven't seen mine eat any leaves yet. i have draecaena marginata and schefflera in there and I have also put romaine lettuce in there and never seen him eat any of it. any ideas why?
when i put that plant in the cage she walked around it and she kinda niped at it two times. she didnt really eat it but she teasted it. somewhat
My f veiled cham has got 5 pothos plants in her cage and she loves them. most of the leaves she's bitten triangles into lol. the lady told me where i got the plants (plantstore) thats shes got chams too and they love pothos
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