power cut


New Member
hi all, i posted losts of questions today, but just have 1 more - sorry :(

i've just had a power cut, it lasted about 5 mins, lights came back on for about 20 mins, then they went agin for another 5 mins.

i am now just woundering, what would i do regard to heat if i had a power cut that lastested a good few hours?

i dont have gas so coulodnt heat up water to put in a hot water bottle.

i know that chams dont have any heat or light at night, but this was earlier evening & his light & heat still had a good 5 hours left to run

danni :)
I wouldn't sweat it, unless you were talking about temperatures below 60 degrees.

If you have no means to provide alternate heat, i'd wrap the cage in a blanket to retain whats there, and the darkness will trigger the cham into sleep mode.
you could set the cage in a sunny widow,if not too drafty! check into a generator or kerosine heater set this up ahead of time; some outages can get big. Is there a fire place available.
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