Powered Bee Pollen

I've used bee pollen (granules) to gutload the crix with before - they loved it and even snatched bits off each other! Hilarious! Haven't tried the powdered version though, so maybe someone else will be more help with that!
I am like Tiff, I have only used it in gutload. I have never really heard of anyone dusting with it so I guess we will just wait to hear.
Bee pollen is considered on of the best things in the world for life it has everything needed for a healthy life. I use the granules in my gutload I bought them at GNC for like $8 but it is a huge bottle and you only need a little to mix in to a gutload
be pollen is nuts! lol, like the other poster said, it is considered one of the best things for life containing everything you need. i mix into a flucker's cricket feed along with fresh vegies and fruit. i use the granuals but my crickets didnt seem to go for that. so i took a coffee grinder and grated it down to a fine powder. works great.
I'm gonna have to check this stuff out! Does anyone use this for themselves, and not just the lizards? :p
We've always used it to feed to waxies so they are a nutritious treat! They gobble it up, as do the locusts and crickets. It's the purest form of nutrition on the planet - and really good for treating allergies as well i think.....
Not sure if that's cheap or not - bought ours from the local health food shop and i think it was over £4 for 100 capsules.
Yes, you can grind it to a fine powder and dust your feeders. You are replicating the chameleon eating a pollinating insect.

Its best to use raw bee pollen from a bee keeper and its cheaper.
The stuff they sell in a bottle is processed and doesn't have the beneficial enzymes.
I use it as part of the gutload, I've occassionally used it as a dust direct on feeders, and I also eat some myself. Its benefits are not proven, but certainly it causes no obvious harm.
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