praying mantis


New Member
Hi i wanted to know were i can get praying mantis for my chameleon? Thanks

Where are you located?? I have been selling my babies (although not so "baby" anymore....:)) at local shows. They are about 3-4 inches right now and I will have some at the Indianapolis show this Sunday.
I'll warn you, once they hatch and you get used to them, you will not want to feed them to your chameleon.

When they look at you with that look, like there is a sentient creature there.. its hard to feed them off.

Plus a ton die for no apparent reason.
Plus a ton die for no apparent reason.

Actually, about half of the 200-300+ babies that are born end up eating the other half within the first couple of weeks.

Yes, they are very smart creatures. I, personally, don't feed them to my chams. I let other people do that. :)
Mine have not cannibalized each other.. yet. I give them a ton of fruit flies, so that may help.

But I did watch several dozen roll over and do the death twitch in their enclosure, no reason that I could find.

I was sad. I have 8 left that I have not released into the wild, or given to others to put in their gardens. I hope to raise them

Only 1 got fed to Norman. I just could not do it again :p
I feed some of the babies off. I have also raised about 10 of them to about 4 or more inches. I have released the big ones in my "chameleon condos" and they eat the extra crickets, etc, that run loose. As you walk by them, they just stare at you and rarely move out of your way unless you get too close to them.
The "condos" is a very large room that has some of my cages in it. So the mantises roam freely inside the room.
I'm located in california. I just want one to feed my chameleon to see if he will like them. but i read every one else story on here and i will feel bad =( So is it a good ideal to get one and feed it to my cham or not? thanks
I highly doubt you will be able to just get 1 to feed him. Youll need to buy an egg case and hatch them.

I wouldnt feed him an adult praying mantis either.
In the wild, i believe a panther chameleon would encounter more praying mantis in his life than crickets.
Yes, it's a good feeder.

But, i can see why mantises quickly become nominated as enrichment feeder than staple. It is the inefficient way of gutloading them.
First, you got to get a good gutload. Second, feed the gutload to crickets/ roaches/ worms/ etc. Then, feed the gutloaded insects to your mantis. Finally, feed your mantis to your chameleon.

I do agree that mantises are 2nd most interesting creatures (with chameleon holding #1). So, you can get attached to them...

Mantis place is a good site to buy a mantis pet.
But, you would soon get bankrupt if you buy one mantis to feed it to your cham.

Buy the ootheca that can yield about 200 nymphs. Ebay sell them cheap, local nursery usually carry them, and Online nursery site also have them (usually under beneficial insect tab).

You can feed them all to your cham. Or, release some in your backyard (Provided you bought the chinese mantis or european mantis religiosa), keep the rest and raise it a bit bigger then feed them to your cham.
Just know that the bigger they are, the tougher they become. Mantis is a fighter insect. (But, you should not under estimate the ability of your chameleon as well).. all those years of evolution, your chameleon definitely know an efficient way to kill a mantis without getting hurt. I have on rare occasion feed mine with an adult mantis. And, honestly, the mantis did not even stand a chance.
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