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Hey I'm not sure if she is pregnant or not. How long should I wait before I take her to the vet? I've been giving her lots of privacy and have been covering her cage and she has a laying bin. I'm just not sure how long to wait before she should go to the vet. image.jpg
I can definetly see some lumps. I'd say she's got some eggs. Did you mate her? Is this her 1st time?

I was paranoid about my girl's fist time thinking she might be egg bound. We did mate her with our male though. A little after 4 weeks she started wandering the room so I put her in her huge lay bin and put up walls to isolate her. She laid the 2nd day no problem.

Someone suggested those large trash bins which I may try next time since they are a lot deeper and I won't have to worry about making walls. I'm sure it would give her more privacy as well.
I would palpate her belly and see if you can feel the eggs. If she is that fat and that far along you should easily be able to feel them.

If you bread her it will be a lot easier determining the timing when she will lay. If not you need to think back to when you first noticed that she might be gravid and go off that timing.

She will most likely be fine and will dig when she is ready to do so. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.
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