
Pretty little girl!

More intense colors can be from heat, her getting a little angry, content with her surroundings or she can be sayin "Hey boy's, PURRRR".

She doesnt look gravid to me. I dont see any obvious signs.

Look into placing a lay bin her cage. She is about that age...

Also if you dont mind filling out the how to ask for help form.
I know people with more experience will be able to help you more after you have filled out the health form.

But I can say this... from the video you sure do have a pretty girl there!
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled,Female, 9 months old.
How long has it been in your care? 6 Months
Handling -Rarely
Feeding - 8-10 crickets every day. Dusted either 2 or 3 times a week. Dusting with a zoo med calcium/d3 supplement.
Watering - Drip system/some misting. Leave the drip system on for about a hour everyday. Mist for about 2 minutes.
Fecal Description - The consistency of the fecal matter is not runny whatsoever. Most of the urea is white, very little have a bit of a yellow tinge. (Sometimes she doesn't want any water.)
History - None

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen. 4'x3'x3'
Lighting -Reptisun 5.0, and a basking bulb. 75 watt. Both for 12 hours a day.
Temperature - 85 F around basking area. 68-75 Cool area. Sticker Thermometer :/
Humidity - 60% during the day (The meter is right where the basking light is)South Texas is naturally humid and I have a live pothos vine. Petco dial hydrometer.
Placement - Its in the corner of the room. Near a window but recieves no direct sunlight. The cage is a foot off the ground giving it a total height of 5 ft.
Location - Corpus Christi, TX

Current Problem - Wondering if she is gravid or not, lately she has had more vivid colors than usual and doesn't bask as much and moves around more actively.

I guess could the incident come from me installing the reptisun recently?
She is probably receptive looking for a mate or just starting to produce eggs. Id get a bin in there just in case. Id be willing to bet you will see eggs in the near future.
She's beautiful. I think you should get a laying bin in there for her now. Fortunately, you have plenty of room. I don't think she looks gravid, but I'm willing to bet it's in your future very soon.
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