Prepping for Pet Sitter to tend to Cham


New Member
Hi! Going on our first vacation since getting our Veiled Cham. I feel great about the lighting, misting, and temp. I have a caretaker coming into tend to our dogs, she’s just not a huge bug gal. I am just trying to simplify the feeding process for her but still give our Cham what he needs. He’s about 6 months (I think?) and I’m sure he’d eat everything immediately if I put multiple days worth in the vacation feeder. So, I’m thinking a small container for everyday we’re gone. Pre-dust the bugs. This way she only has to dump it into the feeder. What all can I get away with putting in a container together for a week? If I need two containers per day that's doable. And how simple can I make it? Thank you!


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Hi and welcome. :) First question is how badly does your pet sitter not like bugs? Are there any that would be more tolerable than others? Most people hate roaches, and crickets with their hopping can be scary. What about bsfl? While they are maggots, they aren’t the totally disgusting kind. Plus, their calcium:phosphorus ratio is excellent and they don’t even need to be dusted with calcium. Silkworms are just caterpillars and are slow and harmless. I would definitely get some of these and see if the pet sitter is comfortable enough with them. If so, then they can grab however many feeders are needed each day.
Hi and welcome. :) First question is how badly does your pet sitter not like bugs? Are there any that would be more tolerable than others? Most people hate roaches, and crickets with their hopping can be scary. What about bsfl? While they are maggots, they aren’t the totally disgusting kind. Plus, their calcium:phosphorus ratio is excellent and they don’t even need to be dusted with calcium. Silkworms are just caterpillars and are slow and harmless. I would definitely get some of these and see if the pet sitter is comfortable enough with them. If so, then they can grab however many feeders are needed each day.
Thanks so much for the response! Love the recommendations. Now I know the big concern with their diet is balance. Will it be okay for him to get solely BSFL and silkworms for a week straight?
Thanks so much for the response! Love the recommendations. Now I know the big concern with their diet is balance. Will it be okay for him to get solely BSFL and silkworms for a week straight?
Having a diet heavy in silkworms can cause loose poos, because they have a high moisture content. Adding in some bsfl will help reduce that and balance things out. Often when I have silkies, I’ll have an over abundance of them and that will be the main staple feeder for all of my reptiles for a few weeks. I add a few other feeders so they don’t float away in loose poos. Speak with your pet sitter about what types of live insects they find agreeable. Maybe crickets aren’t a problem for them. While mealworms are not a recommended feeder, your chameleon would be fine to have a few that week if those are also agreeable to your sitter.
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