pupating issue


New Member
So many of my mealworms/superworms (maybe 10%-20%) dont develope fully into the final stage. What happens is they'll have the abdomen of a pupa but the head and legs of the beetle. What gives? Could this be temperature related? Does anybody else experience this in their feeders?
I've had this happen on occassion. Not so much as 10%, but a few. I had assumed the larva hadnt gotten enough to eat to make a successfull transition. But I dont know that for sure. Temperature might as easily be the factor. I've never cared much, and just feed off those malformed beetles to the frogs and chameleons.
I've had this happen on occassion. Not so much as 10%, but a few. I had assumed the larva hadnt gotten enough to eat to make a successfull transition. But I dont know that for sure. Temperature might as easily be the factor. I've never cared much, and just feed off those malformed beetles to the frogs and chameleons.

Thanks for the reply. Yeah I'm defently having about 10% not transform. It's not much of a problem with the mealworms because I have so many, but out of 40 superworms I only have 9 that have fully developed, several didnt develope properly, the rest are still pupa. I have not been feeding them to the cham because I figured there were no nutricional value, but then again it may be a nice lil snack for him.

Thanks for the reply. Yeah I'm defently having about 10% not transform. It's not much of a problem with the mealworms because I have so many, but out of 40 superworms I only have 9 that have fully developed, several didnt develope properly, the rest are still pupa. I have not been feeding them to the cham because I figured there were no nutricional value, but then again it may be a nice lil snack for him.

So far, I've not had this problem with supers, just mealworms. How are you keeping them? Maybe there is something different you are doing from what I've been doing, that may make the difference.
So far, I've not had this problem with supers, just mealworms. How are you keeping them? Maybe there is something different you are doing from what I've been doing, that may make the difference.

Well I have two 20 slot clear plastic containers to seperate them. I put the supers in the slots mid march, no food, one per slot. I did use black acrilic non toxic paint to block view of the other worms. I read that they need total seperation so I was hoping the feel of complete solitude would make them transform quicker/smoother. I was thinking they may be eating the paint but the paints not chipped or appearing to have been eaten. Oh also, not only do few fully transform but some never even curl up to pupate. They just get stiff, straight, black, and die. Again I was thinking maybe the paint but most do turn to pupa, but then from there its the weird half/half issue. Maybe ill just get new containers.
Well, 2 inches and fat should have been sufficient.
Maybe temperature did play a role. Mine are in a room that is about 75-77F / 23-25C daytime, 65F/18C nighttime.
Or maybe the plastic or paint was a problem. Although mine are often in plastic of some type or another.
Yeah im thinkin its the temps. its pretty chill down in the basement. much cooler than 70. Well thanks for the help.
If you are able to warm things up, and find this makes a difference, let me know. Im interested/curious to learn if temps do make a significant difference.
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