Purple bar ambilobe

i would also like to see this if anyone has one.. i have a baby from a red body, purple bar Ambilobe. i am curious to see what my baby might look like. i searched in google and cant find anything.

this was my first male, was sold to me at an expo as an ambilobe. no proof
Ambilobe, Ambanja, or Ampiskiana

Here is our ~7 month old male Ampiskiana. Ampiskiana as a locale has been up for debate; many argue it doesn't exist, more accurately a designer name assigned a small group of Ambilobe with similar but relatively unique patterns and colors that were imported together and marketed as something special. In any case, he seems unique and beautiful so far, looks a lot more like a young Ambilobe vs Ambanja if Ampiskiana isn't a true locale.

Anywhere, here are two pics from this AM:


During sleeping, his bars are a deep, full purple. We have our fingers crossed that they stay that way...
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