for about a week now my GF Chameleon, Iago, has been getting worse and worse with her walking. Now shes at a point where she can barely grip anything and has next to no use of her hind legs. Also under her tummy she has a large purple patch with a tiny dot of exposed flesh. She is roughly 3 months old.
One website mentioned Metabolic bone disease which has very similar symptoms.
Attached is a photo of the patch. If you look you will see a small dot, thats the exposed flesh.
*Update* A friend of ours from the vet clinic says the purple patch sounds like a bed sore from laying on her side to much
One website mentioned Metabolic bone disease which has very similar symptoms.
Attached is a photo of the patch. If you look you will see a small dot, thats the exposed flesh.
*Update* A friend of ours from the vet clinic says the purple patch sounds like a bed sore from laying on her side to much