Purple patch.


New Member
for about a week now my GF Chameleon, Iago, has been getting worse and worse with her walking. Now shes at a point where she can barely grip anything and has next to no use of her hind legs. Also under her tummy she has a large purple patch with a tiny dot of exposed flesh. She is roughly 3 months old.

One website mentioned Metabolic bone disease which has very similar symptoms.

Attached is a photo of the patch. If you look you will see a small dot, thats the exposed flesh.

*Update* A friend of ours from the vet clinic says the purple patch sounds like a bed sore from laying on her side to much


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Welcome to the forum!
Sorry your cham is having a problem.
Your cham should be seen by the vet, as an exposed raw patch of flesh can easily lead to a serious (fatal) infection rather quickly.
The vet should have plenty of experience with chams or at least with reptiles.
You can look here for 2 links to help find a good vet, if you don't know of one https://www.chameleonforums.com/care/healthx/vet/
I've never heard of a cham having a bedsore-like ulceration.

Judging by the symptoms she has, you don't have much time to get her to a vet for treatment.
hmm okay thanks for the reply. vet bills around here are expensive. is there anything you can suggest we can do to help ease her until we can take her to a vet
I live in NY AKA the land of ridiculously high taxes, so vets have to charge more money than most other places just to be able to stay in business.
Maybe she was injured, maybe it was inadequate care but either way, without a vet I don't think she will survive much longer.
As an interim measure you can very gently apply Silvadene (silver sulfadiazine) cream if you have any on hand.
I'm glad to see you've moved this to the health forum and will add a reply there.
Where are you located?If you can't afford to get that cham to a vet NOW, you need to surrender her to a rescue facility. They will get the care for her. If you give me your location I can give you a vets name, or the contact for the closest rescue facility. That cham has a short time to live without vet care. Most vets will work with you to put the bill on a payment plan. I know you are not online now, but I do hope you return soon.
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