I've been working on my very first enclosure for my 1.1 pair that will be arriving in a couple days. It's a 20 gallon tank with a layer of larger gravel on the bottom, a layer of organic soil, and then peat moss covering the top. In it so far are a Schleffera (spelling?), three Peperomia, and a bunch of palms. I have some starts off a wandering jew, spiderplant, and another schleffera for the other side. I have a lot of sticks that are being frozen to remove parasites that I will add later. This isn't nearly as lush as I think that they need to be and I don't really have time to let it fill in on its own since they arrive thursday morning. I was thinking I would add some leaf coverage (maple, oak?). A screen top is almost ready for it also. It is a work in progress and would love to hear any suggestions! These will be my first chameleons and I need a little guidance! Thanks!