Hi everyone. I have been thinking of some pygmies for a while and was really wondering what I could feed them besides crickets? I have a small dubia colony and more on the way soon. Will dubia nymphs be too big? I just really don't want the mess (or smell) of crickets.
Tiny crickets don't stink. Full grown pygs eat 1/4" crickets-so they could handle a Dubia nymph. Fruit flies are OK for babies and as a treat for adults. I can't get most pygs to eat silkworms.
How many crickets would a full grown pygmy eat in a day? Just trying to get an idea of what to expect feeding wise. I only have experience with larger crickets and when half of them decide to just die off overnight sometimes. Are the smaller ones less prone to do this?
My pygmies are fed every other day. With two in the enclosure they get between 10 - 20, depending on the size of the crickets and how much they've been eating. When I first got them I fed them everyday, but found "leftovers". Sometimes they get fruit flies on their "non food day" as a treat. It's only in the last month or two they've been eating them, as they weren't interested when I first got them.
The little crickets are easy to deal with. I get 1000 week old crix at a time, and keep them in a large bucket with the top cut out and screened. I don't get many die offs, but I find they will drown even in "cricket water". I use one of the moist gutloads.
That might be doable then. I live a ways from the pet store so I don't want to be having to run up there every couple of days. I have gotten used to the no fuss roaches I guess.
Trichorhina tomentosa or other in similar size
Myzus persicae, Acyrthosiphon pisum or any other greenfly that I know of...( I don´t know if there is any species out side of Denmark that eat toxic plants... I doubt it)