Pygmy Lighting


New Member
Ok so I had a compact reptiglo 5.0 but I heard that was bad so I wanted to change new problem is I can't find any of the linear tubes small enough. I have an exo-terra 18x18x36 with a compac top that has two light bulb places on either side. Only about a 6" bulb would fit on either side. I'd by a diffrent lighing thing but with the top I think 15" is about as big as I could go and 18" is as small as I can find. Any one got suggestions?
Most information available on pygmies is conflicted, at best, concerning the need for UVB. Rather than damaging the little guys health it wouldn't immediately hurt him to go without. Lots of keepers claim to NEVER use UVB lights for their stumpies with no ill effects. If you feel strongly about it you could get an 18 inch desk lamp and swap the bulb for a ReptiSun 2.0 and prop it up so it can reach over the top. The little guys are forest floor dwellers, after all, and don't get TOO much UVB in the wild anyways.
Good luck.
By 18 inch, I am referring to the length of the tube bulb, in case there's any confusion. (this, by the way, is what we are doing with our heard of Stumpies)
I don't know about the actual requirements for Pygmy's myself, but if you're just looking for a fixture that holds the 18" repti-sun bulbs, I'm just using a shop utility fixture, they hold any fluorescent bulb that's 18" and they're pretty cheap. I got it our big chain hardware store, Canadian Tire (or if you live up here, you'll come to affectionately know it as 'Crappy Tire' LOL) for like $10.

It's certainly not the prettiest fixture but I'm using it with my 18x18x24 exo-terra terrarium and it fits nicely across the top.
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