Quality local feeder insects St. Charles Parish, Louisiana


Chameleon Enthusiast
I live in St. Charles Parish in Louisiana and wanted to know if anyone can recommend a QUALITY LOCAL, source of feeder insects.

!!! I'm asking nicely, please don't waste my time by just Goggling Pet shops and giving me your results. !!!

I'm already aware of the following shops;
  • PetSmart
  • Petco
  • 50 Fathoms Pet Shop
  • Tropical Fish and More Pet Supply
  • Paradise Pet Shop
  • Aquatic Specialties
  • Causeway Pet Shop
  • Coral Connection
  • Laplace Pet Shop and Grooming
  • Jefferson Feed Midcity
  • Double M Feed Garden & Pet
Even if you don't have any new shops, thanks for at least taking the time to read this. We just got two 3MO Veilds and its hard to express just how much this group of enthusiasts as helped me!
I likely wouldn't do petsmart or petco, they overcharge and don't clean their feeders well... I am not sure if anyone lives near you, I know I don't, if you don't get any info you are looking for you may have to check them out yourself. I can give you info on what you'd be looking for, for well kept feeders. There's some pretty obvious signs when they are poorly kept.

But you will likely not find a good variety of feeders near you, I live in CA and I can't, not unless I go to expos which are usually nowhere near me. I actually raise all my feeders or buy them from vendors online.
I don't like any of the shops on that list!
So far have only used online vendors, usually LLL Reptiles. As far as feeder bugs go, breeding my own would be the ultimate goal, I'm starting to put that together now. We got our 2 Veilds about a month ago I feel pretty comfortable with their care now so its time to turn my focus to breeding those bugs. I just ordered a Dubai roach colony starter kit this morning, I'm looking forward to not spending $$$ on bugs!

If you could offer a noob one piece of advice on breeding feeder bugs what would it be?
Yeah I go online only these days. Id only go to the big chains in an emergency.
Do dubia as a back up (like I have had very few issues with colony crashes with them) for low maintenance breeding with crickets and roaches do cleaner crews for them. Give as much space as possible. Trust me your roaches and whatever else you breed will prosper from it. Feed only fresh veggies and fruits as a water source. It honestly is all you need and if you give a big enough variety of them your gutloading will be great as long as you get a good dry chow/gutload mix.

airflow is important for all insects. I raise 6 different feeder insects of my own and feed around 10 regularly, I have never had issues with addiction or hunger strikes when I have a healthy chameleon. They thrive on variety. My insects stay out in the garage. Also if you use heat pads for your bugs or have CHE for insects use thermostats. It will not only save you money but will keep the bugs from over heating.
If you want specifics for certain insects, I know almost all the popularly raised insects for chameleons and can give you the care requirements and how to breed them. I probably know a few of the weirder ones too ^^
there are various species of insects that clean the dead and eat mold/old food, and most do not bother living cage mates. For substrate filled enclosures I use springtails of different types, and isopods. (both are good for feeding off to your reptiles as well) Darkling beetles of different types can be useful as well, but you must get certain species, ones that only scavenge and eat dead. I use lesser mealworms and peanut beetles. The combo of cleaner crew that are in my dubia roach enclosure, can be bought from Nick Barta, I prefer his to dermestid larvae, because dermestid can be more harmful than the ones I use.
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