question about Dubias and Chams?


Avid Member
Okay, a Reptile Breeder is sending me his extra male Dubia roaches and I am getting a colony from the person I bought my female Veiled Chameleon from. how much should I feed the female and my male Veiled Chameleon? and how often,... also how should I supplement. this may sound weird but I am deathly scared out of my mind of roaches, but they are easier to keep a colony going. so in other words HELP I JUST GOT ROACHES :eek:
Gutload and dust with supplements the same as crickets. Its easy to cup feed dubias as they dont climb the sides of the container. I usually feed off the mid-sized nyphms rather than the adults. One reason for this is to keep my colony growing, the other is because adults are pretty big. An adult would be too large for a young cham and even an adult female panther or veiled. My male can eat the adult dubias but I still try to feed around 5-6 mediums every other day. Just judge the size accordingly the way you would with crickets.

If you are creeped out by touching even the nymphs use some long tweezers to pick them out and put into a container with the cal dust and shake them up. I have found it easier to get my panthers to eat them if I put them on the top screen. They crawl across and get their attention that way.
Gutload and dust with supplements the same as crickets. Its easy to cup feed dubias as they dont climb the sides of the container. I usually feed off the mid-sized nyphms rather than the adults. One reason for this is to keep my colony growing, the other is because adults are pretty big. An adult would be too large for a young cham and even an adult female panther or veiled. My male can eat the adult dubias but I still try to feed around 5-6 mediums every other day. Just judge the size accordingly the way you would with crickets.

If you are creeped out by touching even the nymphs use some long tweezers to pick them out and put into a container with the cal dust and shake them up. I have found it easier to get my panthers to eat them if I put them on the top screen. They crawl across and get their attention that way.

I have the long Exo Terra Feeding Tongs which are great! NO TOUCHING BUGS! which is a plus for me :) and the mediums would be good :) the past owner gave her the large dubias once in a while he said he had so many and now hes got so few. but aobut 150 plus setup for them.. so im keeping them outside hehe (kidding) also I try the cup feeding and my male (Darwin) doesn't cup feed i've tried everything and nothing worked, clear glass so they couldn't climb and then plastic non see through cup and they escaped.. so i will just put them on the ceiling and hope for the best! XD
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