Question about reptile carpet

Jonah S

New Member
I was looking at some of the reptile carpet stuff that is apparently made out of recycled bottles and I had a thought or two about it. I would like to get a sheet of it and put it on the back wall of my enclosure. I imagine this would hold some water to increase the humidity and it would also prevent water from splashing on the back of the enclosure and onto the wall. The three questions I have are:

  1. Will the reptile carpet hold water effectively?
  2. Will it grow mold or mildew?
  3. Will my veiled be able to walk on it?

Since it will be on the inside back wall of the cage, once it is fastened it won't be the easiest thing to remove. If it will start to grow mold than it will probably make more sense to leave it how I have it.

This is what I was referring to by the by:
it wont grow mold on it and will walk on it but veiled are more tree dwellers and like being high in the leaves and vines so u wont really see him on the rug
It is for the back wall of the enclosure, not so much the bottom. The enclosure has two side panels and a front and back pannel, as well as floor and ceiling. The carpet would go on the back pannel.
I don't see a real reason to want to use the reptile carpet. It's expensive.

I would just use PVC myself, cheaper and much easier to wash off.. as for reptile carpet you might have to scrub to get off and fecal matter.
It would just be one sheet for the back pannel and he isn't much of a "I'm gonna poop on my walls" kinda chameleon, not that he as shown me at least. Also, I don't want to block off one of his climbing surfaces. I figure if it holds water he would appreciate the extra humidity and it still allows for some airflow.

Is it everyone's understanding that the eco carpet is not for the floor but more so the back pannel?
Yes, it is understood it's for the back wall, I've had several cases where a chameleon manages to defecate on the wall where as normally the poo was on the plant.
Im not sure what kind of material it is but I was warned agaisnt reptile carpet when I had a bearded dragon because the nails get stuck in the carpet material and pull the nails.

Im not sure if Larry would try to climb it but it could be dangerous for his nails getting cuaght on it
Thanks everyone for the replies, guess I will pass.
I would just use PVC myself, cheaper and much easier to wash off.. as for reptile carpet you might have to scrub to get off and fecal matter.

Do you mean a panel of pvc or pvc screen? I have a plastic sheet behind the enclosure that water catches on and then runs into a towel, I don't want to constantly have to wash towels and worry about mildew becoming an issue.
I mean a PVC panel.

To get rid of that issue, create a drip tray or something similar that catches the water. If you use the search I'm sure you can come up with some neat results.
I used the reptile carpet on the back of my cage for the same issue of water control and it works great. As for fecal mater, it comes off very easy. The think I like about it is the crickets love to climb it which means Jabba doesn't have to climb out of the plants to eat. He can hunt at the top of the cage.

I also have a drip pan under the cage as the carpet is still going to have water running down to the bottom. It does not soak it all up.
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