Question about Shedding (4-7 month old Nosy Be Panther)


New Member
Hi there, this is my first post to the forum, I'm hoping for a good experience! :D

I bought Oscar from a shop about 5 weeks ago. He went into a shed two weeks after coming home with me. He just seems to have started to shed again, though I'm not sure if there is reason for concern.

His shed seems to have started entirely from his spine. I am attaching a photo from about an hour ago. Under his current light he looks much more brown than he really is. For the most part he shows beautiful greens and blues, especially lately.

It was just brought to my attention that this type of shed can be a consequence of a heat burn. I was initially doubtful of this, due to there already being a lack of perches high up in his enclosure. The person who made the comment knows FAR more than I do (I am a beginner), so I wanted to ask around a little bit.

I also included a cute photo from when i accidentally woke him at night.

I appreciate any comments/discussion. Thank you!

Your Chameleon -Male Nosy Be Panther 5-7 months, has him 5 weeks
Handling - i've only had him out a few times
Feeding - crickets mostly. i've gotten wax worms and meal worms as "treats"
Supplements - Calcium with d3 every few days
Watering - i mist the cage and have an automatic mister
Fecal Description - fully digested, white urage
Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? no, CB
History - bought from a reptile shop.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - screen sides, glass front/back cage, 2.5'x2'x3'
Lighting - 18" UVB linear, 100W basking light
Temperature - ranges from 85-75 depending distance from light
Humidity - the room has low humidity (<20%) but I mist and spray throughout the day
Plants - I have a couple different live ficus bonsai's, a pothos, a fake vines
Placement - in a bedroom, not much traffic, he gets his nighttime darkness
Location - Michigan


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I think that is a shed and not a burn. They will start a shed at the spine like that. I don't think there is anything to worry about. There is no set schedule for shedding either. Sometimes it could be weeks or months apart and less and less and they mature.
Hello and welcome to the forums! :) Cute little boy there! I don't see anything that looks to be a burn. Maybe post another picture? When they are young they can certainly shed more often.

The shedding on the spine does happen. IMO, from what I see, not something to be concerned with. He looks to be in good health. Just my two cents. :)
He's cute. Just one thing with his supplements and not to do with shed, use plain calcium, no d3 each feeding and with d3 every two weeks, a multi vit every two weeks.
lowering frequency of d3

He's cute. Just one thing with his supplements and not to do with shed, use plain calcium, no d3 each feeding and with d3 every two weeks, a multi vit every two weeks.

Thank you, yes I have heard this before so I will switch over.

No need for the extra d3?
No, not really. They get enough from the uvb light and if you take them in the sunlight outside, they get even more. The two times a month seems to be the standard on here and seems to work well for everyone that uses it on the schedule.
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