Question About Using Dubias..


New Member
Im thinking about buying some Dubia Roaches for my little guy.. hes about 3 or 4 months old now.. (pet store wasnt sure and ive had for a month).. what size should i order for him? and also do i still need to dust the dubias as i have been with crickets?
Also if i wanted to Breed.. How many should i start with? For a basic colony for a single young Chameleon
Dubias are expensive compared to other feeders, so it is best to start a colony. For this you will need adults.

If you want to order some to see if he will eat them, you will probably want 1/2" sized Dubias.

You will still need to dust the dubias to balance the calcium to phosphorous ratio. :)
I looked at starting dubias colony which my local pet store has a small started colony. I've looked at Mulberry Farms and the sale adults not little ones. Adults wouldbe too big JMO. So might was to see about starting a colony first then go from there.

(I'm not completely sure. Havent had any yet and didnt want to start one til we moved)
Also if i wanted to Breed.. How many should i start with? For a basic colony for a single young Chameleon

As many as you like, the more you start with, the faster the colony will grow.

I wouldnt start with less than 10 male and 10 females though.

It can take some time to get them started, but once you do youll have tons ;)
Buy just a few to see if your guy will eat 'em up. If he likes them, buy a starter colony and add adult females and males. I think I remember reading that you should have 1 male to every 10 females? (don't quote me on that). HEAT! PROVIDE LOTS AND LOTS OF HEAT and within a few months you will have 100's if not 1000's of these things! Oh, and to make them breed faster, they say to feed them oranges... :cool:
Buy just a few to see if your guy will eat 'em up. If he likes them, buy a starter colony and add adult females and males. I think I remember reading that you should have 1 male to every 10 females? (don't quote me on that). HEAT! PROVIDE LOTS AND LOTS OF HEAT and within a few months you will have 100's if not 1000's of these things! Oh, and to make them breed faster, they say to feed them oranges... :cool:

I just started a colony a few weeks ago with 20 females, 10 males, and 150 nymphs. Got them at a local show for $45. I don't know why I waited so long, they are far superior to crickets on so many levels.
I started with a colony of 125 medium sized ones from the Roach Cafe. I've had them a month, they're in a plastic tub, they get oranges sprinkled with Dinofuel everyday, and I'm using an undertake heater to keep them warm. They are also in total darkness 24/7. Mine still haven't breed. I'm about to have to order more...
I started with a colony of 125 medium sized ones from the Roach Cafe. I've had them a month, they're in a plastic tub, they get oranges sprinkled with Dinofuel everyday, and I'm using an undertake heater to keep them warm. They are also in total darkness 24/7. Mine still haven't breed. I'm about to have to order more...

They will need to be adults before they start to breed.

Seperate a batch for raising to adults, and feed them tons, turnip greens and oranges are primarily what my breeders get, and scraps of other things. If they are well fed, and warm, they will grow as fast as possible.

Once you get some adults going, they really do breed like mad.
I just started a colony a few weeks ago with 20 females, 10 males, and 150 nymphs. Got them at a local show for $45. I don't know why I waited so long, they are far superior to crickets on so many levels.

Check with user Cypho23. I ordered for $35 shipped, 500 nymphs, 50 that were one shed away from adult and 5 breeding size adult pairs (I bought an additional 5 adult pairs at $1/pair). When I received the package there must have been well OVER 700 roaches! Talk about healthy over-count!! :D My colony is prolly over 1000 by now! ;)
Check with user Cypho23. I ordered for $35 shipped, 500 nymphs, 50 that were one shed away from adult and 5 breeding size adult pairs (I bought an additional 5 adult pairs at $1/pair). When I received the package there must have been well OVER 700 roaches! Talk about healthy over-count!! :D My colony is prolly over 1000 by now! ;)

If I can get a deal like that too, this person will be having some business soon!
If I can get a deal like that too, this person will be having some business soon!

Good luck to ya! The transition was smooth as silk! He got paid, I got roaches! No problem with the order and the nymphs were in one container with the sub-adult/adults in another. Awesome all around!
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