Question about variety


I'm getting a male green veiled soon, hopefully a baby or juvenile. I want to provide everything my little guy needs, and I know variety is a big deal. I'm planning on breeding crickets. Is variety a big deal in the beginning? Also, a question of logistics. I will have my cricket colony going, then lets say I order 250 silkworm eggs. I'll soon have so much food I wouldn't know what to do. Can I do a week or so of crickets, then the next couple weeks do silks, etc.. how do you guys handle this? Thanks in advance!
You don't have to do it this way,but I'll mix say some phoenix worms in with dubias in a cup or whatever I'm feeding,but also I'll set a few feeding stations up if he decides he doesn't want mixed chow lol.
So I may have 3 stations sometimes with dubias,super worms, and phoenix worms.
pick 3 food items based on what you feed(gut load) the food.
Good combos are;
super worms-bedding
dubia-mostly veggies
silkies-mulberry leaves

crickets are more of a combo of bedding and veggies.

the 2 main points, is to get a variation of gut loads, and a variation of prey movement. Chams get bored of the same feeder over and over once they are adults, and will go on hunger strikes.

I do supers and dubia in the winter, and silkies in the summer since i have a mulberry tree.
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