Question: Greens & pieces of fruit for adult panther chameleon?


New Member
Hello! What experiences have you had with feeding your panthers fruits and veggies?

I have not yet tried to feed mine (1 yr old), and I do not know if he has had them in the past, since I got him when he was about 8 mo old.

I've heard that panthers generally don't eat as many fruits/veggies as veileds do, that they'll only really eat them if they're dehydrated. What do you think?

Also, how will my cham recognise fruits/vegetables laid out or held up for him to eat, from the live plants that are in his enclosure?

If I am going to try and feed him this stuff, what are some good fruits or vegetables to start with? I am thinking chopped strawberry, turnip greens?

Currently my cham's diet is primarily large crickets, with some dubia and super worms on the side.
Ive fed my female chameleons sliced apples and sliced peaches. Also you can feed them Blueberries, melons, color green, mustard greens etc. Hold it in front of there face and wave it around a tiny bit. If they want it your chameleon will take a big bite out of it. :D
Ive fed my female chameleons sliced apples and sliced peaches. Also you can feed them Blueberries, melons, color green, mustard greens etc. Hold it in front of there face and wave it around a tiny bit. If they want it your chameleon will take a big bite out of it. :D
I have been wondering about this. Is there a list somewhere of fruits and veggies they can have? Of all the stuff I have read I haven't found an answer.
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