questions about female veiled cham cage set up


New Member
i have ordered a new screen cage from (24x24x48) and i am wondering about what i should put in it. i am wondering about what are the best live plants to put in my new cage with my female veiled chameleon. i do not know her age i will put a picture of her in description.
here she is i think she aprox 4inches head to tail


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Hello, welcome to the forum :). That's not the best fact from here it looks like she might have spurs.....4 inches suggests she is about 3 months old, but they grow at different rates so it's impossible to be sure. Here is a great basic caresheet I recommend to all new people with Veileds -

My girl particularly likes her Schefflera plant. Other often recommended (easy to keep alive) plants include Pothos vines -nice broad leaves to hide in and drink off. Here is a safe plant list -
dope cham! put in a ficus benjamine or an umbrella plant they love that shit! and put in some twigs going across the cage. fake plants/leafs, hangin vines, be creative! i just try to give them as much shit to climb as possible
a 24x24x48 might be a little to big for that little Gal i hope she dont get lost in there haha. But yea ficus or pothos you should be good !
Please be aware that once sexually mature veiled females can lay eggs even when not mated and need a suitable place in the cage to dig to shownyounwhen they are ready.
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