New Member
Does anyone know the guarantee for Fedex overnight priority shipping!! I know this may not be the right place to ask this but I need an answer fast. My panther has already been sent out by kammerflage and is currently in the process of comeing to me. I checked the traking number and it said it is due by 4:30 pm tommorow! I was under the impression that the guarentee was 10:30 am!! I dont know what Im going to do now, because I was supposed to stay home from school until it got here, which was going to be before 10:30 so I dont have to miss my core classes which start in the afternoon. But if its not going to come until later, im not going to be allowed to stay home and my mom isnt going to like not going to work. So I need to know what their guarentee is so I can figure out what to do!!!!