quick question


New Member
after having malachi (my veiled) for a full day now.. he decided to crawl upside down on the mesh on the top of the cage. when he did this, he turned color. i read that turning dark in color is not good. i tried taking a picture of his color. can you tell me why he did this? You guys are going to grow to hate me, i ask A LOT of questions to make sure i do everything right haha.


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ooh i have another question..... I havent seen my cham drink yet. although i dont weatch him every minute of every day, how will i know if he is drinking or not before its too late
heya zilla,
I cover some of your Qs in my blogs.
feel free to read them.

but to answer your Q, a great way to ensure your cham hydrated is by looking at his urate. if the color is white, he's drinking.
yellow or orange means there is something wrong.
I've had my cham for about a month now and I still havent seen him drink, but hes doing fine so im assuming hes getting it somehow, through food or just when im not about to see. So I wouldn't worry too much unless you start to see signs.
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