Quick Question


New Member
Ok maybe this is a very quick question but I need some help. I ordered all my supplies from http://www.chameleonsonly.com/Screen-Enclosures.htm. I got the largest cage with the supplies. I have set up his cage after throughly goign through this site. I got my chameleon last night. I believe it is a girl and she is about 4 inches long not including the tail. But now to the question. They sent me all these supplements. Miner-All and Calcium with VIT. D and Herptivite. How often do I feed her crickets and how often do I dust them? I guess Im just still a little confused how all the feeding works. And any other tips would be very helpful this is my first chameleon.

They didnt give me a care sheet but I have a Veiled Chameleon.

Don't worry, just head on off to the site listed in Brad's post. Also do you know a 4" aby can not go in a large cage yet? Read Brad's post and if you still have questions we are here. Did you just get one type of calicum? You will need both with and without D3.
ok, ok, while you might not have gotten a care sheet, here is what I would do for suplements/feeding.

you should have calcium w/D3, calcium w/vitamins, and miner-all w/o D3.
for now use the miner-all that has no D3 in it for everyday dusting.
dust half of your crickets that you feed, the rest don't dust.

dust lightly, none should look "white".

use the vitamin once a month, and the calcium with D3 once a month.

go online and get rep-cal calcium with out D3 from LLLreptile for normal daily dustings in the future.

What should I put the crickets in I dont want them jumping all over the place?

Some people cup feed. Most just let them free range though.

I toss the crix in. They usually make a break straight for the top corner with the basking light. Chameleo Estevez roams around and hunts them down. Good workout for him.

At night you should take the feeders out so they don't chomp on the cham while sleeping. I like using my fingers or a paper towel tube myself.

Please, read the kitty blog, it provides a more compiled place for information, rather than just asking for it bit by bit.


Don't forget to gutload to prevent vitamin deficiencies .
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