Quick roach/cricket question


I was wondering if roaches were better for chams than crickets or not... So far we've been feeding just crickets, but we are thinking about switching to roaches because it would be easier. I heard that roaches are better for them than crickets, but I also heard that the roaches are just fattening and should only be used as a treat... So what would be better crickets or roaches?

They are not fattening. Many if us keepers use them as the main bug, while also feeding other kinds.
Roaches all the way, honestly the best feeder you can get, they hold gutload for up to three days, and if you build a colony they last you twice as long and they don't die off. Not to mention 1 large roach is equal to about 6 large crickets so you really get your moneys worth and feed less to your chameleon with more nutritional benefits to your chameleon.
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