recent pics of my meller Quin


New Member

Lol his eyes closed when you kissed him, maybe he was nervous :D hes looking great and i hope you got the reptisun and your cage re-setup well for your mellers :)
Lol his eyes closed when you kissed him, maybe he was nervous :D hes looking great and i hope you got the reptisun and your cage re-setup well for your mellers :)

yes I got a 5.0, and a heat lamp for him to bask in.bought another cage and joined both together. maybe I scared him with my kiss ! LOL
EXCESSIVE HANDLING COULD KILL YOUR CHAMELEON. I am not trying to be mean, but you are not giving this animal any time to acclimate-and no matter what you think, he does not ENJOY handling like that. Mellers are notorious for crashing and dieing.
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