rehabilitating an adopted veiled chameleon!


New Member
I am so worried
this little guy is about 8-9 months old, im worried he is much too small for his age. does anyone have photos they can post showing the size of their veiled at this age?
Post photos of the cham an we can try to help.

Are you sure on the age> Its possible that he isn't as old as you were told.
Not showing.

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Reptars mom: He looks pretty good. Turrets look full, limbs are straight, skin in good condition, casque looks good from what i can tell from the one picture.

He could use a little weight but dont get to carried away with it. A fit chameleon is a slender, well formed, no bones/veins showing.

Edit: That chameleon also appears to be a female. Would need a clear picture of a rear foot.
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