repashy and miner minerals?


New Member
im about to order repashy calcium for my jackson and from what i understand there are a few different kinds. which one should i get? also i heard of a multivitamin that also has minerals in it, im looking to get some of this but i forget what its called. i think jdog mentioned it in his youtube video but i cant remember.
i would get the calcium plus and a plain calcium with nothing else.
and use the calcium plus about 1 time a week and the plain calcium at most other feeding.
i would get the calcium plus and a plain calcium with nothing else.
and use the calcium plus about 1 time a week and the plain calcium at most other feeding.
ahahaha o i just commented on your other post on my other thread but thats hilarious because i have normal cal, and the repashy is on its way! :D
thats how i do it, i use plain calium from zoomed cause i already had it and the repashy for my d3 and vitamin requirements
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