Repashy Calcium plus


New Member
Hi. Iv'e been searching about what supplements i should provide my chameleon with and i have an over whelming amount of information. I bought Repashy Calcium Plus. The information on this is it says its a "All In One" type of supplement. Great! But.. i also heard to get Rep-Cal Herptivite, Repcal Calcium with Vit D and Miner-All 0. I obviously bought the Repashy before i saw the other info. Now since I have the repashy i don't know if its a good idea to replace the RepCal-calcium with the Repashy Cal Plus considering its a "All in One".
Just use the Repashy Cal Plus (once a day) and done!! No need for the others or even for an offset schedule.

Thats what i do. :)
The Repashy product is fine. But you dont need to use it daily if you are properly gutloading a variety of feeders. Not all feeders need supplements added.
Ok so I plan on buying my Cham from Tikitiki. They offer the cricket crack with the crystals. Is it worth it?

It all works (well they will eat it and load on it). But as Sandra said, always good to gutload your feeders with fresh fruits and veggies. You don't even have to go out of your way to do this either. I usually peel my fruits and veggies "deep", leaving a good amount of meat on the skin and feed that to my feeders. Along with Repashy's BugBurger, Dino-Fuel, and Cricket Crack.
It all works (well they will eat it and load on it). But as Sandra said, always good to gutload your feeders with fresh fruits and veggies. You don't even have to go out of your way to do this either. I usually peel my fruits and veggies "deep", leaving a good amount of meat on the skin and feed that to my feeders. Along with Repashy's BugBurger, Dino-Fuel, and Cricket Crack.
Great! So I will order the cricket crack as well as the crystals. Thanks:)
The deal? Can you please elaborate?

The ratio of water to add to "make" it and how to serve it?

lol, i've never personally used it . So i'm also curious about it. I usually just "water" my feeders with orange slices.
The ratio of water to add to "make" it and how to serve it?

lol, i've never personally used it . So i'm also curious about it. I usually just "water" my feeders with orange slices.
True. Thats probably easier than messin around with crystals lol
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