Repti-vite vitamins


New Member
Anyone ever use Repti-vite vitamins? What are they used for? Anyone recommend that I have some on hand ? And how is it generally used?? I don't think my chamman would snatch up a vitamin haha. My cham has been having eye issues ( I think due to vitamin a deficiancy, ) although I think he has finally settled in to his new home =]
Thanks again !!
Anyone ever use Repti-vite vitamins? What are they used for? Anyone recommend that I have some on hand ? And how is it generally used?? I don't think my chamman would snatch up a vitamin haha. My cham has been having eye issues ( I think due to vitamin a deficiancy, ) although I think he has finally settled in to his new home =]
Thanks again !!

I use reptivite now as addition to my supplementation regiment.
I used the one w/o D3, since I have repcal with D3 already.

Same way as u used herptivite. U dust them on your crix.
I do it once a month for this one as an alternative for herptivite.
the site i'm on only has the reptivite with d3 =[
i don't need to give my guy anymore d3!

i dont agree.
regardless of if it has D3 or not, you wont overdose with D3 4 times a month.

I have had no problems with calcium 5 times a week, calcium with D3 twice a month and reptivite with D3 twice/month.

Just my thoughts. Hope this helps!

We can have a long argument about whether chameleon need a preformed vit A (retinol) or they can convert Beta Carotene into preformed vit A like mammals.

For now, I err on providing my cham with Retinol once a month.

With that said, the only real benefit that Reptivite has over Herptivite is the fact they used a preformed vit A (instead of beta carotene).
Just like vit D3, Vit A excess cannot be dump. so, beware of over supplementing both D3 and A..
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