ReptiFogger or ReptiRain?

No to both. They suck. They break and the fogger just makes afog. no actual water drops.
Get the aquazamp or mistking.
Personally I have had both of these. I've been using Habba misters on both of my chameleons for 2 years with few problems. I had a repti fogger for my male and loved it but it stopped working after 9 months. Last week I finally got a mist king system for them and love it so much better but it was expensive. So if its a matter or budget I would get the repti mister. The company also has great customer service. One of my misters came with a crack in the water reservoir and they sent me a brand new one for free.

I ordered from Amazon about a month ago ZooMed Repti fogger and it didn't work,they(the Vitamin Guys) sent me another one for free and it didn't work as well so they gave the money back...I read bad reviews about the fogger so I would go with the mister but I also recommend the mistking. After this bad luck I just ordered one! I heard only good reviews about mistking and aquazamp!
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