Reputable sources of care info for leopard geckos?


Hey everyone! I was unexpectedly gifted a baby leopard gecko yesterday by a well-meaning friend, but I haven't kept Leo's since I was a kid, and I know for fact that my care was misinformed back then 😅

She brought the baby in a 10 gallon aquarium with a screen lid, a water dish, and half logs for hides. As this was entirely unexpected on my part, I don't have much else to set this baby up with on hand.

I've already gently informed her that while I appreciate the thought, live animals are not gifts, especially when the person doesn't even know they're receiving one... But I also don't mind keeping the little one and setting it up correctly, so that's why I'm here!

I don't really know which websites and forums have reputable and updated information for leopard gecko care. I don't use Facebook and I don't trust most of the groups on there anyways. Does anyone have recommendations?

Here's the baby, looks like some kind of albino morph. I'm not sure if that makes much difference in the uvb/lighting needs, but baby seems quite photophobic/sensitive and even acts a bit loopy (neurological maybe??) in brighter lighting... I have the basking light on a dimmer to try and help with that.


I don’t know much, but a great place to start is Leopard Gecko on YouTube!
I know leopard geckos are sensitive to bright light, so maybe that might be what’s going on? Good luck, and keep us updated, s/he’s adorable!
Thank you I'll check it out soon as I'm home! I am headed to pick up a secondhand 40 gallon front-open terrarium for little one right now haha. I'm glad that I'm feeling better recently because I'm not sure if I'd be able to carry it inside by myself otherwise...
A few hours later and everything has been washed/sanitized and set up. This is the best I could do for now but I'd like to get some desert-type plants to use instead. Right now it looks and feels more like a humid jungle lol so I've got a CHE on the cage to try and dry it out some. I let the baby wander in it a little bit but I think it's still way too humid for him so back in the 10 gallon for now!
I'm giving the gecko my spare 24" reptisun 5.0, so I'll see how s/he reacts to it. The t5ho isn't really as bright as the basking bulb anyways.


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Congrats on the baby Leo! I don’t know morphs and they don’t matter much to me, but I do know that some are prone to certain neurological diseases. 😞 Jessica’s animal friends on YouTube has an army of leos and many have special needs. She doesn’t really go much into husbandry though, from what I’ve watched of her.
I keep mine bioactive in the front opening 40 gallon tanks. They have T5 5.0 or 6% uvb and I use under tank heat pads attached to thermostats on half the tank (set at around 90F). One of these days I’d like to switch to deep heat projectors though. I’ve tried to give a somewhat natural set up for them, with opportunities for climbing, digging and all that, but only one of my four climbs and none dig. 🤷‍♀️ I’ve tried a few times to have succulents planted in their tanks and they just did so poorly even with plant lighting. The first pic is my first bioactive set up. I have eventually replaced most of the plants in that tank with fake ones. I even foamed in a little planters on the back wall and that is where that Leo has chosen as his bathroom. 😂 Finally I stuck some pothos in and that’s having mixed results. I put the plants on the cool side, which has also become the humid area for watering the plants and isopods. I have moss and cork bark to hold some humidity under a hide for shedding needs. Of course a good layer of leaf litter is for the isopods. I feed them the same days I feed my chams - Mon, Wed, & Fri. Two of those days I use plain calcium without D3 and one day I use Repashy calcium plus. My leos are all bordering on being a bit chubby. I do tong feed them all because there’s just too many places feeders can hide and early on I had tried putting some feeders in a bowl, but they didn’t seem to do more than watch. Beware giving waxworms as more than a rare treat. Mine had become addicted and it took forever to break them of it. I provide fresh water bowls even though not once have I ever seen any of them drink. I also provide tiny bowls of plain calcium without D3 but not sure if they lick at that or it disappears because they walk thru it. They are crepuscular and so I don’t often see them out and about. I have one female and I don’t have any signs that she’s ever produced or laid eggs. They are sexed the same as beardies, with the males having pronounced femoral pores at adulthood. I got all of mine off Craig’s List, so each had issues, from my girl and possibly her brother being kept together to mbd and a biter. My girl and special little mbd guy are missing toe tips from lack of attention and humidity when shedding. My mbd guy I have to keep a close eye on and make his entire enclosure humid when he’s shedding and even then, he doesn’t shed well and I have to help. My biter (bit me once when excited during feeding) was never properly socialized, so he freaks when being held and no success at ‘taming’ him, which is ok. I hope at least some of this is helpful. :)
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Almost forgot! I had a hard time figuring out what was wrong and why my leos weren’t eating for what seemed like months and were lethargic. They do have a form of brumation…move very little and barely eat, if at all.
Congrats on the baby Leo! I don’t know morphs and they don’t matter much to me, but I do know that some are prone to certain neurological diseases. 😞 Jessica’s animal friends on YouTube has an army of leos and many have special needs. She doesn’t really go much into husbandry though, from what I’ve watched of her.
I keep mine bioactive in the front opening 40 gallon tanks. They have T5 5.0 or 6% uvb and I use under tank heat pads attached to thermostats on half the tank (set at around 90F). One of these days I’d like to switch to deep heat projectors though. I’ve tried to give a somewhat natural set up for them, with opportunities for climbing, digging and all that, but only one of my four climbs and none dig. 🤷‍♀️ I’ve tried a few times to have succulents planted in their tanks and they just did so poorly even with plant lighting. The first pic is my first bioactive set up. I have eventually replaced most of the plants in that tank with fake ones. I even foamed in a little planters on the back wall and that is where that Leo has chosen as his bathroom. 😂 Finally I stuck some pothos in and that’s having mixed results. I put the plants on the cool side, which has also become the humid area for watering the plants and isopods. I have moss and cork bark to hold some humidity under a hide for shedding needs. Of course a good layer of leaf litter is for the isopods. I feed them the same days I feed my chams - Mon, Wed, & Fri. Two of those days I use plain calcium without D3 and one day I use Repashy calcium plus. My leos are all bordering on being a bit chubby. I do tong feed them all because there’s just too many places feeders can hide and early on I had tried putting some feeders in a bowl, but they didn’t seem to do more than watch. Beware giving waxworms as more than a rare treat. Mine had become addicted and it took forever to break them of it. I provide fresh water bowls even though not once have I ever seen any of them drink. I also provide tiny bowls of plain calcium without D3 but not sure if they lick at that or it disappears because they walk thru it. They are crepuscular and so I don’t often see them out and about. I have one female and I don’t have any signs that she’s ever produced or laid eggs. They are sexed the same as beardies, with the males having pronounced femoral pores at adulthood. I got all of mine off Craig’s List, so each had issues, from my girl and possibly her brother being kept together to mbd and a biter. My girl and special little mbd guy are missing toe tips from lack of attention and humidity when shedding. My mbd guy I have to keep a close eye on and make his entire enclosure humid when he’s shedding and even then, he doesn’t shed well and I have to help. My biter (bit me once when excited during feeding) was never properly socialized, so he freaks when being held and no success at ‘taming’ him, which is ok. I hope at least some of this is helpful. :)
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This is all super helpful!! The little baby is also a bit of a poor hunter, I can tell that s/he tries but unless it's right in front of the face, it's either not seen or ignored (leaning towards not being seen/unaware there's food). Will hunt crickets to an extent since they're more active and moving around, but they're a bit too fast sometimes. So I've been giving some of the smaller BSFL too, and kinda nudging their face with it, and immediately it gets snapped at/grabbed and eaten! So at least the baby trust me enough to hand feed 😅
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