RESCUE JACk50N trying to bring him back to life;HELP;?!

6500k clarification

in terms of cham/plant lighting, kelvin refers to the color temperature (spectrum) of the bulb, ind isnt necessarrily an acurate indicator of how much thermal out put (heat) the bulb will produce.

reptisuns dont have a very good spectrum for plant health, so generally you supplement them with a plant bulb.

6000-6500k is commonly considered a good spectrum for plant health.

linear fluorescent bulb diameter is expressed in terms of t/value

smaller reptisuns are t-8, generally (but not 100%of the time), you can mix linear fluorescent bulbs of the same t/value in the same dual fixture
ie; you can usually put a t-8 6500k plant bulb in the same dual fixture as a reptisun t-8 without any major issues, but not always as this is partially dependent upon the fixture as well as the 6500k bulb. so if it works ok in the fixture its in i wouldnt worry about it. as far as physical temperature, that seems like a lot, but i have never tried bulbs above 6500k.

im not sure if thats an issue but i will try and look into it tonite.the distance of the plant bulb is not that crucial. you dont want it producing a large area of heat across the top of the cage so if thats an issue you should move it farther away. if its in the same fixture as your reptisun, then the more important distance is the reptisun, if the plant bulb is still producing too much temp at reptisun distances, then you may be better off having a single fixture for each. if the bulb is not a t-8 diam then that could be part of the issue. typically a 24"t-8 plant bulb goes for about $10-15 not counting fixture, a solo fixture would likely be about the same price . if you are using a dual fixture but feel you need to get a single fixture for your plant bulb because of temp, then you could just get a second reptisun for your dual fixture. just to be clear any fluorecent PLANT BULB will satisfy your plant bulb requirement,even one of those self ballasted light sticks, (as long as it is a plant bulb.
and also to be clear, the only heat that is actually desireable, is the focused heat from the 40watt uva incandescent housebulb that is in a small reflector and distanced to provide a max heat of less than 84*
lets review;
1. the reptisuns only purpose is to provide uvb light for d3 conversion, its purpose is not to produce heat although some heat is unavoidable. i recommend having the basking spot in the top 6-8" of the cage and the reptisun about 4-6"above the top of the cage. trying to keep the reptisun about 10-12" above the basking spot if heat fromthis is an issue you may be wise to go to individual fixtures.
2. the 40 watt clear or cool white incandescent housebulb provides uva for general well being and appetite stimulus., its distance is not critical, but needs to be distanced accordingly, to provide a maximum of less than 84* in the sweet spot of the beam where it is focused on the basking spot. always better to provide too little temp, than too much.
this bulb is usually in a small single screw in reflector and usually distanced up to 18" away, if needs to be farther would recommend a lower wattage bulb.
3. the distance of the plant bulb is not critical, but it is ok to have the plant bulb as long as it is not producing excessive heat, up to 18" away, but it is not ok to have the reptisun that far away.
4. about the 6700k, its not something i have tried or even looked into. so, initially it is something i would be cautious of.
imo, if you have the option to return it i would do that and try to seek a regular plant bulb of 6000-6500k at a grow shop or fredmeyer/walmart etc.
5. i would try and leave as much stuff as possible intact until i have had a chance to review your shopping list. imo, if there are items that arent necessary and can be returned, then imo, that money would be better spent on a fecal float, and possible well, there might be other things that you may need but do not yet have , like materials for hygenic soil replacement?. jmo
Sorry i been cought up with my life and taking care of all of my reptiles that i havent had too much time to do a quick update altho i do have a major inprovement! first thing first

I am going to write down what i use to gut load my feeder's,
& provided a link or two about the exact product i'm using.

A. Zilla Gut LOAD Cricket Drink with CalCium (16FL.Oz.) -473ml-
- An ideal water source for all crickets
- Provides approximately 25% higer calcium contant in crickets

B. Also i use

Flunker's ( Food,water,Vitamins,&)
ORANGE CUBE ( Spiruluna )
Complete Cricket Diet (6oz){keyword}

c. I also use some viggies or fruits whatever i find that is save and verry good for my chameleon's i feed my cricket's

Now That's what i use for my gut loading for now..

Next... I will be talking about my dusting,

Now i currently have a jackson jacksoni named Chris ( Short for Christopher) wich is 4-5 month's & we also have my latest rescue in the last white plane expo wich her name is JoJo ( Short for joyed ) & she's a 9month old jackson xantholophus from hawii & ofcorse my first babii Tinny a female Vield. Now i keep a calander around just because my babies are two diffrent breeds, and so they need diffrent things. For my jackson's i dust my crickets 2-3 a week with calcium & 1-2 every 6week with D3 depending on how much time they spend outside & for tinny my young female vield i do calcium everyday & give her some D3 maybe once a month or every 6week ofcorse depending on how long they spend outside getting natural uvb.

But here's my list of stuff i use for dusting..

With OUt no D3 ( 8.oz ) - 227 g -

B. & Ofcorse i have the same brand but a smaler version of it with D3
like i said i used this every 6weeks or soo.

C. I bought recently something call " Herptivite " is a advanced multivitamins formula

( Ofcorse this is something that i just bough & planing to feed it to them every 3-6weeks )

Next we're going to talk about the type plan's i have them inside, and my dripping system and also how i have my cage's set up. Since i recently have build my owed cage for my new jackson, i will be taking you step by step on what i did But first give me a second to upload the cage's pictures so everyone could get a better understanding on what im working with right now.
Please tell me your opinion's

Here is Chris new updated cage
Chris new updated cage.jpg
i'll will try to post a better picture tomorrow but for now this is just to give you an idea, i dont know if you can see. But i have a repti fogger runing, with a homemade pipe all throw out my chameleons cage's. so they & the plans can get the humidity, am also trying to build something around the of the cages that is about 3-6inches tall so my chameleon's dont get burn from the light's & im still trying to work on a good misting sytem, good enuff from them to think its rain. any opinions on this subject ?:confused:

Also the way i have the lights set up, is giving him a warmer area, and a normal chilling area ,and a moist humid wet area so that way he finds his conform area. Still tho i am trying to get that cold fogger cause he seem not to like the fogger too much, also he still verry brown and what not but today i took him out and he started to get green and red and he was looking really happy. Do you guys maybe think there something off in his cage? i try to give him enuff hidding space with the plant, at first he when in there and i couldnt find him or saw him for the next 30-45min then once i finished setting his cage up and turn the fogger he came up and looked happy. But then againg i could be doing wrong, by the way i re potted the plants with dry organic soil but i dont know why but in the other plant's, they are dieing.. how do you guys keep them alive!?

Here's a link to the type of cage he's in..
18x18x36 inch & i have a umbrella plant inside his cage
Verry important part

T5 dual lamp fixture 24'' for freshwater Aquarium Environments ( Ideal lighting for growing live plants )

T5 fluorescent lmaps 1 - 6,700k 14 watt; 1 - Colormax 14watt

T5 lamp fixture .jpg
Here it's the lamp fixture i had tould you guys in the past about, i though i'll take a picture of it . I bought two for 60$ but one of them had recently die out on me ? well whatever it happend, am not sure that this lamp fixture and light bulb's are right for my chameleons cage?:confused:

am not sure if i shuld just go back to a reptile 40-50watts uvb basking bulb,
& if i really do need the "6,500 k". they might not have the 6,500 but if they got anything btwn 6,500 and 6,00 can i get it ? would it make a diffrent. Also will these help me with my basking spot? i know it helps my plant's and my jackson's probaly dont mind it, but since i have a female vield and i know eaither way i have to make her basking stay btwn 80-85 at highest but i sometimes see that the temp gets under 80 btwn 75'f and that worrys me that she might be cold.

Now in the next pictures your going to see my female vield cage ( name: Tinny )and a picture of her and ill shall tell you more information about her cage, but one opinion i do wanna hear is that. she about 5-7 month old already and am worry about her wanted to lay egg's if anyone may think she does or has any info about this please comment on it. Thank you soo much for your time
Why aren't you watering your plants? They they need to be watered to be kept alive. Did you turn off the lights in the room to take the picture? It looks like all you have is your UVB light going. You need to have room light like if you were there along with the light for the cage.
Why aren't you watering your plants? They they need to be watered to be kept alive. Did you turn off the lights in the room to take the picture? It looks like all you have is your UVB light going. You need to have room light like if you were there along with the light for the cage.

First off dnt assume ask, Yes i do water plant's atleast once or twice a day or when ever i see the soil dry . i try my best to no over water my plants, second aside from the face the actual light bulb i currently have, i dont really trust. So either way i offerd him a conner for basking regarless, i was getting ready to put them to sleep so i wanted to just take a quick picture to give everyone an idea. I'm not even done wrrting everything that i needed too, i shall get it done today. My bad about u been confuse, ill keep on posting

i'll upload new pix soon
First dont assume ask

You said you were taking us step by step through the plant thing but never mentioned watering? I'm just guessing that was part of the problem...of course, maybe when you said
Next we're going to talk about the type plan's i have them inside, and my dripping system and also how i have my cage's set up.
You meant "plans" not "plants" made it a guessing game and you have to expect people to guess wrong on occasion.

Is English your second language?

I'll say upfront that I doubt that. I suspect it's just you not making any effort to be clear. That's obviously your choice, but being snippy when people have difficulty with your utterly incorrect grammar is sort of silly. You know that what you are posting borders on pigeon English (or, you should know), you should expect people to have difficulties with it and be understanding of their difficulties.

You are asking for help. YOU create the difficulties by your posting decisions. You being snippy doesn't help at all.
You said you were taking us step by step through the plant thing but never mentioned watering? I'm just guessing that was part of the problem...of course, maybe when you said
You meant "plans" not "plants" made it a guessing game and you have to expect people to guess wrong on occasion.

Is English your second language?

I'll say upfront that I doubt that. I suspect it's just you not making any effort to be clear. That's obviously your choice, but being snippy when people have difficulty with your utterly incorrect grammar is sort of silly. You know that what you are posting borders on pigeon English (or, you should know), you should expect people to have difficulties with it and be understanding of their difficulties.

You are asking for help. YOU create the difficulties by your posting decisions. You being snippy doesn't help at all.

(smh) well maybe if u can read, i had tould him am still working on writting much more that i wasnt done. like i said in the past am not here to make friends, -__- Now in the other hand why doesnt it feel like this is'nt the first time you had said something smart, look Mrs. Elizadolots o_O i think you had to much wine (AGAING) & need to stop getting drunk every night at 3am and getting on the forum, just to " writte silly things " lols why isn't that silly?:D hehehe -__- look superwoman your not a thug or a hero by talking to me like that, your just one step closser to a p.m [;

Now for the last & only time..kk? and am gunna be nice about it too alrite.

But if nothing good ever going to come out your mouth drunk at 3am szriliing wordsz & "silly" Thinqs, please do me a favor and just keep it to yourself. & no men its not call freedom of speach :cool: (Obama tooked dah)

Really though thank you really for all your fancy words & 2min " english class " god.. Sure feel much better now :) & hey! so that does my sick cham xD

seriously i dont ever wanna read your post. n yes am from spain so am spanish and english is my second language.
well maybe if u can read, i had tould him am still working on writting much more that i wasnt done.

Compare that to English as normally written.... You CHOOSE to post unintelligible stuff.

You're very close to having me report your post as offensive, so please back it off and recognize that you are posting things that require a great deal of thought to decipher...I am posting things that are easily understood by all.

If you care about your chameleon you will make an effort to be understood. If you do not make an effort to be understood, you do not care about your chameleon.

That's simple logic.

Please apply simple logic and start posting in ways that can be understood by all. It would be to your chameleon's best interests and really, aren't we all just concerned about the chameleon?
Compare that to English as normally written.... You CHOOSE to post unintelligible stuff.

You're very close to having me report your post as offensive, so please back it off and recognize that you are posting things that require a great deal of thought to decipher...I am posting things that are easily understood by all.

If you care about your chameleon you will make an effort to be understood. If you do not make an effort to be understood, you do not care about your chameleon.

That's simple logic.

Please apply simple logic and start posting in ways that can be understood by all. It would be to your chameleon's best interests and really, aren't we all just concerned about the chameleon?

you are truly mind mindbogglingly x_X
See & even when i asked you to " please back it off " (lol) ur still talkinq.. u most be a lawyer o_O
Compare that to English as normally written.... You CHOOSE to post unintelligible stuff.

You're very close to having me report your post as offensive, so please back it off and recognize that you are posting things that require a great deal of thought to decipher...I am posting things that are easily understood by all.

Please apply simple logic and start posting in ways that can be understood by all. It would be to your chameleon's best interests and really, aren't we all just concerned about the chameleon?

report ?! ur the one who always comments with some smart racist comment, sick of you . I couldnt care less and my chameleon's are fine am doing an outstanding job day by day looking out for them, thank u verry much.

" please apply simple logic " & " recognized that what* you are posting " are thing's that in real life this convo with had gonne a diffrent way.

P.s : alreadie reported u[;
In Another hand this is the new picture's i promised

new cages 3.jpg

^ the cage right here in the left side conner is my homemade cage
I tooked both the small side cages and made it into a tall cage [;
new cages 2.jpg

The one on the left is Tinny my female vield and in the other one is Chris my jackson

new cages 1.jpg
Here's all 3
I would say two cages to the left would need more foliage. And your two plants there do look like they are dried up (or in the process of). Usually Jackson's need high humidity. If done correct, regular and long misting should not require additional watering of plants. From the picture it looks too dry to me. But I am only guessing here.
I would say two cages to the left would need more foliage. And your two plants there do look like they are dried up (or in the process of). Usually Jackson's need high humidity. If done correct, regular and long misting should not require additional watering of plants. From the picture it looks too dry to me. But I am only guessing here.

Yup deffenaly changing them up tomorrow, thanks for your opinion tho i am trying to keep the humidity up right now. But i think am on my first step to some thing creat, but by foliage what do u mean?
Shineru, I am incredibly impressed that Eliza held her temper when replying to your outburst. Making personal insults is not going to help anyone. Getting a message across in a way which is understood by most people is nothing to do with trying to impress people or make yourself look good at someone else's expense, it's about communication.

And maybe coming here looking to make friends isn't such a bad thing, it's certainly better than insulting people who are trying to give you the help you asked for.
Quoted for truth.

(smh) well maybe if u can read, i had tould him am still working on writting much more that i wasnt done. like i said in the past am not here to make friends, -__- Now in the other hand why doesnt it feel like this is'nt the first time you had said something smart, look Mrs. Elizadolots o_O i think you had to much wine (AGAING) & need to stop getting drunk every night at 3am and getting on the forum, just to " writte silly things " lols why isn't that silly?:D hehehe -__- look superwoman your not a thug or a hero by talking to me like that, your just one step closser to a p.m [;

Now for the last & only time..kk? and am gunna be nice about it too alrite.

But if nothing good ever going to come out your fat mouth drunk 3am szriliing wordsz & "silly" Thinqs, please do the u.s.a deparment & i a favor and just keep it to yourself. & no men its not call freedom of speach :cool: (Obama tooked dah)

Really though thank you really for all your fancy words & 2min " english class " god sure feel much better now :) & hey! so that does my sick cham xD

seriously i dont ever wanna read your post. bye
Shineru: A kind word of advice; alienating the people that are trying to help you will not make your chameleon better. Please remember this and play nice.
Shineru, I am incredibly impressed that Eliza held her temper when replying to your outburst. Making personal insults is not going to help anyone. Getting a message across in a way which is understood by most people is nothing to do with trying to impress people or make yourself look good at someone else's expense, it's about communication.

And maybe coming here looking to make friends isn't such a bad thing, it's certainly better than insulting people who are trying to give you the help you asked for.

First off am incredibly impressed with me holding my temper, am from east new york & just came home and i dont got time to sit here and argue with such people. or make friend -___-
i tould her off more than once and this isnt the first time we got into an arguement, & i would more than gladly apreciated u or anyone who has any side comments about this to p.m or keep it to urself. Because i really dont wanna get nasty with no one in here, i tould her what it is the first copple times in my other threads. But she doesnt get it & i had said this many time in the past, if your going to make side comments that have nothing to do with my chameleons dont expect the best out of me. if your not going to respect that , then i cant respect you as a person. get it ?! i even got into an argument with this person name " Pshh " & what happend at the end? i found her back here trying to help me and i respect that about the chick & cominq from u that live in the Bronx i though u knew what i was tlkinq about, guess not eitherway i dnt wanna ever talk about this stuff againg. i dont wanna start cussing people out just wanna read & understand the information is given to me in the forums ( because not all u guys are D@$%Ck :cool:) Thank u to those who arent
Shineru: A kind word of advice; alienating the people that are trying to help you will not make your chameleon better. Please remember this and play nice.

lOok i apreciated " ur advise " , but maybe more advise on my chameleons & less friendly advise on my life & how to deal with the situation with certain people. That would be much more apreciated![;

( dont ever tell me to " play nice " either am not 2 or 16 -___- )

please as you can see, the same respect you give me i'll give you, thanks for your kind word of advise
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