Rhaegar is struggling


Staff member
Unfortunately Rhaegar did not tolerate his shipping experience well. :( He is going downhill and I'm doing everything I can to help him right now. I know he was very healthy before he shipped and I've verified everything here to make sure his new environment is optimal for him. While the overwhelming majority of animals do very well with shipping there are some that just don't handle the stress as well. And who knows how much the stupid shipping people tossed his box around. I yelled at the last guy delivering my pygmies because he was twirling the box walking up to my door! I'm crossing all fingers and toes that Rhaegar decides that he wants to feel better. I'm so worried about him. Any spare good thoughts you can send his way would be much appreciated!
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I'm so sorry to read this.. You and Rhaegar will be in my thoughts while knowing the little guy is in the best possible hands. Good luck
Sorry to hear that.
I'm not above saying prayers for chams and their owners.
Hope he makes the turnaround for you.
Dayna hoping he does a turn around for you. I know he is in the best care possible. If anyone can make him well, it will be you!! Good luck and I am rooting for the little guy.
We have talked and gone through just about everything known to man to help the little guy. I know he is the best hands right now. Little man - work your magic and get better.

CruelData: It was brutally cold and i fear the possible cold temps he may have endured during shipping along with the stress. It has taken its toll. I hope it doesn't turn out to be a unfortunate lesson learned.
We waited until temps in my area were above freezing at night (50-60s during yhe day) to try to make it safe as possible, but he did go through some very cold areas on his route. His box was still warm inside when it was opened. We tried our best to make it as safe as we could.

Thank you all for the positive thoughts!
I'm so sorry to hear your new little guy is not fairing well, I know he's getting the best possible care. I'm praying he'll start to pull through this!!!!!
Come on Rhaegar.......you can get through this.........everything will be ok.
Sending nothing but positive thoughts your way in hopes that the lil one feels better. I don't like traveling either, makes me sick too! Hang in there buddy.
Dayna, I sure hate to hear this. Keeping you and your little one I'm my thoughts and prayers. If anyone can pull him through, it's you.
I am off to church soon and will put you and Rhaegar on the list for prayers. You can never have too many prayers. If the little man can get the strength and will to live, he has the best care possible. Please keep us updated.
Positive thoughts, prayers, and good vibes have all been sent your way and will continue. C'mon Rhaegar! Feel better!

Keeping Rhaegar and you in my thoughts as he struggles to overcome his stressful travels! If I had a stressed Cham, you'd be the VERY person I'd want to be looking after him! Fingers crossed!!
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