Rhampholeon brevicaudatus (Leaf Chameleon)


New Member
When my veiled chameleon grows out of his exoterra, I've heard they are communal, so I wanted to put maybe 3 of them in the enclosure together.

I was wondering.....

How many females can be put in the same enclosure?

Even though they inhabit the leaf litter, is vertical space still important?

Are they more on the hearty side or is there something about them that makes them more difficult then something like a veiled chameleon?
Hi.. I have kept brevs for a couple of years now, and they are one of my favorite species. The exoterra cage you are referring to.. is it one of the glass ones with the screen top? If so, what size is it?

Yes, the species lives communally without many problems, although I believe that overpopulation leads to stress.. which leads to death. For the brevs, verticle space does seem to be important. A planted cage does well for them.

Here are a couple good articles written by Roo that will give you a place to start:

Brevs can be touchy, but I don't find them very hard to keep. Eye and mouth infections seem to be one of the biggest problems, but I have found that using small amounts of preformed vit A in gutload eliminated most of that. I am also careful not to overmist the tanks. They need to completely dry out once a day, same as the larger screen cages.

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