Rio's Vet Results


New Member
Well took Rio for a second opinion today, the first vet decided it was an abscess/tumor and thought it just needed drained out but I disagreed with the vet on this one they did nothing to diagnose that there was any fluid or such in there just wanted to slice into him so I decided against letting them do so and i scheduled a second opinion with another vet in the area. She told me she had seen a few chameleons and would give it a shot so I took him in today she took my thoughts into consideration and then gave me hers we did some research on portal that they use to communicate and we decided on baytril as an antibiotic and some antibiotic cream as well. She posted some pictures and information about Rio on the portal to see other vets opinions as well. So we will see how this goes hopefully we see some improvement on the swelling. Here's some pictures of him at the office today.



Let me know what you guys think!
it has gone down from the previous post but I noticed it right away without having even viewed the other thread.
Yeah it definitely has gone down some but I'm hoping that the antibiotics will take it down the rest of the way. Almost finished building his new enclosure too hopefully have him moved in by Friday.
Will do! It doesn't seem to bother him at all he acts completely fine with it doesn't show any sensitivity when walking on his branches or anything he eats fine drinks fine not sure what caused it.
Okay so i went upstairs and noticed he was flashing again with a huge nasty partially brown/black sperm plug hanging out of his vent so i tugged it out with some tweezers do you think that this could be part of the issue of what was going on?
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