Roach Experts?

Canopy Chameleons

Established Member
I have a small colony of adult... discoids? I'm fairly sure anyways, I got them at the past Expo here. They weren't supposed to be selling them at all, so it was pretty much a 'give him your money and then hide the roaches' situation. But I found a strange dried up looking... something? Looks like a once was worm. Not sure. Can someone let me know what it is? Cause it wasn't there a bit ago.

Here it is:


And here is the roaches, just for positive ID, in case I'm wrong. I've only ever worked with smaller roaches before. Turks and such.


Thanks in advance for any and all help.

150% it's not a mealworm. Just to get this out of the way now, it's not a meal worm, superworm, or any other common feeder worm. For sure. I'm kind of confused, cause I thought they had live babies? Not eggs, then larvae? Please correct me if I'm wrong though.
It's an aborted ootheca. Live bearing roaches form an ootheca and retract it back into the abdomen for gestation. It only is expelled as young hatch or stress conditions that cause an abortion.
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