Roach food


New Member
Is it ok to feed roaches cooked ham? Or any other meats. They normally just get fruits and veggies but I recently found out that they will destroy meat... I should have known, since they are roaches that they will eat anything... Just wanted to know if anyone else feeds there roaches meat? Or does everyone stricktly only feed fruits and veggies?
Thanks for any replies...
I could be 100% wrong, but I heard something about reptiles getting some sort of disease (gout??) from too much protein in their diet, especially from feeding the feeders too much protein. Again though, I could be completely wrong, but that's what I think I remember hearing.

But better wait for someone who knows more.
I breed dubias and find they love meat, the protein helps them reproduce. You can also give them dog or cat food during reproduction. However, never feed them to a chameleon until they have been properly gut loaded and off the high protein for a while. The stuff is bad for chameleons, causes gout and other problems.
Roaches love Animal protein, though Ham may be more salted than you'd want to provide. And you should NOT feed animal protein to roaches that you are using as feeders for chameleons.
Thanks guys I knew that dog food was bad and could cause gout. Just wasn't sure about meat. Now I know thanks again.
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