Roaches are better then crickets in every way?


From what I have been reading to keep them they are easier? , they are more nutritious ? And they are easier to breed? are they the clear cut winner for chams?
id definatly not stick to roaches, although they are clearly better than crickets id change it up twice a month :p
It depends on how you gutload them.

I offer a variety of feeders and try to never make them eat the same bug in a week more than twice. You have a variety of options to feed them. Silk worms, hornworms, butterworms, mealworms, superworms, crickets, several different species of roaches, praying mantis, stick bugs, non toxic moths and butterflies, captive bred snails, wax worms, Phoenix worms, and certain spiders can all be fed to your chameleons. You should certainly try to switch it up more than twice a month.
Before you establish a breeding colony, buy some Dubias the right size for your animals, and see if they will eat them................:eek:

In most aspects they are indeed better than a cricket. One of the main drawbacks for us, which is not as big of a deal for people with 1-3 chameleons is the time that is takes to sort out the different sizes of roaches from one another. We feed roaches a few times a week and it easily takes 3x as long to do that yob. Many of our geckos highly prefer roaches over cricket so they have live on them as a staple.
I think they're way better than crickets, but unfortunately, crickets move much more which attracts their attention more. I've had to buy more crickets now because my baby panthers weren't attracted to the baby dubias. But yes, it's healthier and more fun for them if you mix it up every once in a while. My staples are dubia roaches, crickets, and superworms. Those are the three that I hand out the most, but I will ocassionally buy other things for them.
I think they're way better than crickets, but unfortunately, crickets move much more which attracts their attention more. I've had to buy more crickets now because my baby panthers weren't attracted to the baby dubias. But yes, it's healthier and more fun for them if you mix it up every once in a while. My staples are dubia roaches, crickets, and superworms. Those are the three that I hand out the most, but I will ocassionally buy other things for them.

That is my biggest complaint about dubias...

Unless you cup or hand feed, these things will just run and hide in the first dark hole it can find.
That is my biggest complaint about dubias...

Unless you cup or hand feed, these things will just run and hide in the first dark hole it can find.

Seriously! I find myself sitting there with a long stick or tweezers or something, poking the dubias out of hiding so my chams will see them. And even if you cup feed, they'll clump together in a corner and stay still, so unles your chameleon recognizes their shape (like only one of mine does) they don't realize they're bugs/alive.

But my guys absolutely love them, so I'll do it lol.
roaches are a great addition to the diet of your chameleon, because they are easy to breed and easy to gutload. There are roaches that move around more than dubia, if that is an issue for your chameleon. I agree that offering as many feeder choices as possible is the way to go. Mix it up :)
I was thinking about starting a dubia colony, but it sounds like they might be difficult to feed out. My panther isn't cup feeding yet. I've tried but I guess he hasn't quite figured it out yet. I guess I'll wait a bit longer until I see him cup feed! thanks
Ok you mentioned moths , stick bugs, spiders and some other weird stuff other then the regular staples... Where do I find the more exotic stuff?
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